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Once more Sebastian and Augustus found themselves sat before the council. Both prince were starting to get annoyed of being in the chambers to answer for themselves. But today, it was under different circumstances. Things had to be resolved in order to move forth with the daily royal tasks.

"As we all know, the prince was set to tie the knot with princess Hazel. But things have taken a different turn. What the council would like to know, is when are you both comfortable to seal the alliance? We would understand if you would like to move the date up. Two weeks is rather a short time to plan a wedding," Gary took the reigns.

Augustus and Sebastian exchange a look. They actually had an entire conversation with their eyes, it was quite amusing.

"Actually, we would like to do it in two weeks," the brunnet prince affirmed.

The council was shocked glancing at each other, as if someone will come with a reason why they shouldn't get married in two weeks.

"Are you sure?" Gary inqured.

Both prince nodded, their hands linked together on the table. Gary glanced at the gesture of endearment, and gulped as he nodded vigorously.

"Two weeks it is. Don't forget to invite the eight kingdoms," he said, gathering his belongings.

The prince left the chambers, but stopped just outside the door. Sebastian ran his fingers in Augustus' hair.

"My father has summoned me in the garden. I will not be long. You think you can stay out of trouble till I get back?"

Augustus laughed, feeling quite amused by the lack of trust from his charming prince.

"I think I can try," he scrunched his face up, which earned a chuckle from Sebastian.

The brunnet prince leaned forward, and planted a kiss on the other prince. He nibbled his lip lightly, before pulling away. Flashing him one last smile, he left.

His father was sitting on a chair, staring at the red roses that were blossoming, and even attracted the bees. A tea set placed on the round table, the king having already poured himself a cup, with a plate of biscuits pushed away from him.

"Father," Sebastian greeted, giving the man a curt nod before sitting on the other chair.

Carson glanced at his son and smiled, before turning back to look at the garden. He picked his mug up, taking a sip, as Sebastian poured himself one.

"Do you love prince Augustus? As in have romantic feelings for the man? Things were too scattered, I didn't really get around asking why you want to be with him," he said, still fixing his gaze on the garden.

Sebastian sipped his tea, following his father's pursuit, and staring at the garden too. This was a tough conversation to have with the man he's looked up to all his life.

"I do love him father. Very much," he declared.

Finally Carson looked at him with a frown on his forehead. He appeared more curious rather than angry.

"You find him sexually attractive? As you can have sex with him?"

Sebastian laughed for some reason that didn't appear to him at that moment.

"I've had sex with him already father. A multiple times. It is quite more endearing than..."

Carson groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose as he squeeze his eyes shut.

"Spare me the details please," he shivered at the thought of his son sleeping with a man. "Why?" he asked, turning to look at his son once more, curiosity at it best. "Why would you want to be with a man? Don't you find the hourglass funnel, the perky breasts, and bouncy ass sexy? The tenderness of a woman's touch, their soft features, and that small waist..."

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