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Diana manage to survive in the same kitchen with that woman , atimes she made certain remarks that just want to make Diana throw everything out there

But she kept her cool, the rice was boiled in no time ,she handled the stew while mrs Benson fried the chicken or rather watched her kitchen staff do the frying while she inspect

She knew she had someone  to handle the cooking and she still insisted on dragging Diana to the kitchen obviously to torment her about her profound relationship with her son.

When they finally sat out to eat , they were so many side dishes added to the main meal. Rich people and their paparazzi, Diana rolled her eyes and the now overfilled dinning table

There's all sorts of fruits in one basket, grapes ,apple, watermelon and guava. Then it was diced as fruit salad on one side

There's also vegetable salad along side moi moi and catfish soup

The meal was nice but Diana only focused on things she had done herself, the meal was nice the setting was great but the woman sitting right in front of her was terror.

Diana knows she stands to lose more now If Mrs Benson throw open their encounter from seven years ago.

He wouldn't need to dig too deep before he realizes that Abby is his daughter and then hell will let loose

Somehow Mrs Benson didn't mention it and they enjoyed the rest of the evening with Mr B's sticky jokes.

When it was finally time to leave, mr Benson was showing Diana some of his artifacts and how he had travelled round the world to collect them

"When I was younger I use to enjoy traveling, it gave me a better scope to the complexity of the world. The diversity of people all over the globe their different cultures and tradition and how unique they were in their own way. You need to see some parts of europe and asia, you'll be amazed. Oh let's not forget Africa. Oh dear we are blessed"

"I'd love to travel someday"

"Pls do, my daughter simisola she's just like me except she's a girl and we worry when she goes off the grid just like that or is stuck in a remote island where there's no reception. Her mother would tear my head off if she can't reach her in two hours, she'll blame for encouraging her to be moving around"

"Well she's Lucky to have you" they cracked

He kept talking and it looked like it wasn't going to end although Diana was enjoying the conversation but half her mind is drawn to Abby and the other half worrying about what Mrs Benson is telling Jimi now again

Jimi finally showed up and he still had the big grin on his face so it definitely obvious that he still doesn't know

"Is this man boring you to death"
Diana shrugged

"Not at all , I think he is better company than you"

"Ohh really. Old man you need to lay off my girlfriend, and madam are you ready to go or you want to pick a room so you can continue your endless gists"

"I wish but we have to get going. "

"Exactly. So dad we are not leaving you. If madam permits us we will drop by again soon"

"Madam pls don't leave this poor guy to be stranded alone in this house. If I was on my feet I'll definitely pay you both an August visit one of this days"

"No dad. Don't even think about it. You just got back and you just got out of surgery so you need to rest. And by rest it means to get use to the four walls of this house. Don't start planning one of your crazy anonymous trips while you are still under house arrest"

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