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Martha sat on Diana's bed as she tries on every nice dress in her wardrobe

"Diana you should have shopped for a dress this is not just any kind of dinner for goodness sake"

"Why are you making me feel bad, you know the only reason why I'm attending this dinner is because my boss asked me to join him if not this already  seem more like a waste of time for me... If you keep pushing I might just decide not to go"

"Okay... ''Martha jumped up from the bed
"Like you had anything better to do"
Martha murmurs

"What did you say "

"Nothing now let's see what we can find here ''
Martha peeped into the wardrobe and picked out a long flowing black dinner gown with a low back

" what do we have here"

"Where did you get that from"

"Your wardrobe obviously"

"I don't remember owning something like this"

"Well it didn't just jump in there now go try it on."

"Really of all dresses you chose this"

"Yes my lady,the mystery dress is the right choice"

Diana pulled on the black gown and to her surprised it fits perfectly

"now I remember where it came from, my cousin Betty got it for me for my convocation and I never worn it, I couldn't wear this long dress and be parading about on my graduation.... I didn't even realize I brought it with me to Lagos"

"Now it will serve it purpose, you look like a queen Diana"

"Keep flattering" she turned around

"Am not, you know you are naturally beautiful and this dress just compliments it.. It's perfect you are absolutely gorgeous"

"Are u a lesbian ''they laughed " should I be worried"

"Maybe not, but it doesn't mean I can't compliment a Beautiful person when I see one"

"Yeah whatever,but don't you think it's a bit too much, what if I show up there and am the only one wearing a long dress or a black one for that matter"

"Who cares what others wear.as long as you are looking elegant and flawless am sure your date won't be able to take his eyes off you"

"Martha....." She squished

"Okay okay .. sorry not your date your boss. I get it , don't bite me"

"You are so silly, but on a serious note don't you think this dress is too revealing. I mean my arms are bare,my back and even my cleavage..... Everything is just too much"

Martha rolled her eyes dramatically

"Didi I swear there's nothing wrong with this dress, its perfect,it fits every curve and angle.... If it had been you who bought the dress I may have seen some default it comes with the buyer's mindset but since it Betty that got this dress everything is on point"

Didi throw a pillow at her

"You are not serious Marty. Is me you are referring to as a default"

"Well if you are not so rigid,why would we spend over an hour looking for a dress amidst this heap of virgin mary outfits"

"Those are really nice dresses"

"For church or interview... I get it but it's a dinner night sweetheart you need to loosen up and stop whining"

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