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Diana had no choice but to let Marcel drive her to the clinic after she waited five minutes outside and she couldn't find a taxi the network was unwavering too so she couldn't book a ride

Everything was just a hipshit of mess, she would have gone to ask a colleague for a ride but then at the expense of his or her job because their crazy boss is out for blood

When it looks like nothing was coming and one second feels like an hour she just had to go with Marcel who was persistent and willing to help

She wanted to be done with this family and just leave everything behind

She felt his hands gently holding hers and she wanted to snap at him when she realized she was trembling and panting heavily

"Just relax Diana, everything will be fine"
She nodded convincing herself that everything will be fine

When they got to the school clinic they said her dad had moved her out of the clinic to a better hospital five minutes away.

Diana already knew who it was right away , he has been calling her non stop but she didn't answer because she didn't know he was trying to reach her because of Abby

But why would he take her out of the clinic just like. It made her fear that this maybe more serious than she thought

Marcel was still there so he drove her to the hospital even though he badly wants to know who Abby's father is   

When they got to the hospital, jimi was sitting in the lobby. She couldn't remember calling him or informing him about Abby's condition so what was he doing here. She tried calling Marty but it wasn't going through

Later she got a text from her that the school had already called her and she would be leaving work soon she works as a customer service online attendant, she's probably talking to a customer and it was quite understandable

She didn't call jimi because she didn't want to involve him , at least not yet she needed to be sure about Abby's health before involving more people

How jimi got here was the least of her worries,  why he took Abby away from the school clinic was more of her concern

"Jimi what's going on?"

"Oh thank goodness you're here babe have been trying to reach you, hope it wasn't difficult to locate this hospital"

"No it wasn't, why did you move abby from the school's clinic"

"That place is more like a first aid center than a clinic. They don't even have equipment to run tests. It was a complete waste of time staying there so I brought her here. Sorry i didn't get your permission before bringing her here but I trust their services here and I was suppose to pick you but the school was closer and I just didn't want you to panic"

"No.. You did the right thing you don't have to apologize....... So, What happened, why did you take her away from the school clinic or first aid center, is it something serious"

"No. Not really. Well they are not sure "

"So how's she , what is complaining of...... Where's she, I want to see her"

"In due time Didi, The doctor's attending to her... In fact she is just sleeping in her ward they are taking samples to run test"

"Test for what exactly, didn't tell you at the school what really happened"

"Her teacher from the school doesn't know what she is saying and They  have just two nurses in that clinic and am sure all they can do is give vaccines and bandage a cut, they don't really know much about these things"

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