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Diana was both nervous and anxious at the same time, she can't seem to figure out what to wear to jimi's parent's.

She has replayed the most likely scenerio in her head over and over again but here she is stuck in her bedroom unable to pick the right dress

First it was an emerald green dress with flay arm from the elbow. It had rectangular neck area and it seem perfect except she was going for church service

Then she picked a wine lacy short dress , Betty got for her when she was forcing her to go to club but now she has probably outgrown the dumb dress

Then another one and another one until her room was filled with clothes spilling all over and she can't seem to find the right one

Abby walked into her mom's messy room and it felt weird because her mom's room is always tidy

"Mommy is everything okay?"

"Oh yes baby Mommy is just trying to find the right dress for an outing"

"But you have so many dresses mommy. Just wear the first one your hand picks"

"Easy Pizzy " Diana smiled with a sigh picking the simple pink dress

"You are my rock Abby."

"I love Pink" abby grinned

"So where are you going to mommy. Can I come with you" she placed her hand on her Chin

"I wish baby but am being invited to a place , I don't think it's appropriate for you to tag along"

Usually everything that doesn't involve Abby was as good as dead to Diana , Abby is her priority,her life is suppose to be built around Abby but then when she comes to Jimi Benson everything changed

He changed her whole prospective,he turned her into this person she can barely look back at in the mirror and everytime she tries to talk herself out of it ,she just dives in deeper and messes everything up

There was a knock on the door and abby hurried to answer it

"Uncle Jim jam" abby yelled and Diana landed on the bed.
Can she really get rid of this guy hovering around her.
She can and she will. When the time is right she will get rid of him. In the worse way believable

"Hey princess" he picked her up like she weighed less than a few pounds
Diana walked out of her room to see Jimi all dressed in white and grey slacks. He looked so cool and she's still strolling around in her nighties that are kinda revealing

By the time she realizes this and was about to run back to her room but jimi had already seen it all

So she just stood there frozen

"Hey babe, How are ya....I see you're not ready"

"Yeah , Abby and I are having a rough morning"

"Mommy couldn't find the right dress" abby added

"You don't say" Diana rolled her eyes at abby and made foggy looks
Jimi burst into laughter at the mom and daughter moment

"Are you really having an hard time picking the right dress"

"Something like that"

"Oh babe you could have told me I would have gotten you something to wear"

"I don't need you to get me something to wear Jimi"

"I guess so but I still have it anyway"
He hand out a shopping bag and she took it from him obviously perplexed about the whole situation

She pulled out a tiger skin sartin free dress

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