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The club was busier than usual tonight ,the buzz has the whole place crawling with people as Jimi makes his way upstairs to the VIP lounge, he sighted his pals at their usual corner  and he heads in their direction

After exchanging pleasantries, Jimi slumped in to an empty seat , Bj glare at Jimi from across and grin at him,he was wearing a suit trying to loosen the tie

"It's felt like forever bro, didn't you miss me ''bj asked curiously sipping his drink 

"Like you missed me, how many times did you pick up your phone to call me, and besides I was so sure that you had your hands full and brother bonding was the least on your list."

"Oh cmon ,you make me feel like an horrible person, besides what took you so long, Steve got here about an hour ago"

"Steve you didn't tell him, well bro what can I say. My job just got ten times tougher and draining than before"

"What do you mean"

Steve pat bj on his shoulders " our company is using all Jimi's potential, he no longer just close deals for the company he go as far as winning clients totally to our side and even expanding business strategies, oh yes he even represent us in completing mergers with foreign investors, the guy is the total package. He literally does everything now ''  he chuckled and bj laughs mockingly "

"Wow dude, that's alot.. I think you need a drink or drinks.... Bar man ''he calls out " this people are out to finish you , keep em coming"

"Honestly it's been really tough,I tell you ''   

the bar man drops a glass for Jimi and refill for the others

 " to top it all my secretary is malfunctioning, in all literal sense, I do almost everything for her it like she's never there to answer calls or check emails or fax messages, I don't know what is wrong with her really and that's making things very unbearable.like the universe is trying to teach me a lesson by punishing me everyday"

"It sounds like they are giving you all the reasons to call it quit, I mean permit me for asking but when are you really going to start working for your family, I mean cmon it's been three years is that not enough experience"

"My mom has my dad totally convinced that I am not ready, I am tired of pushing my luck Bro, I think my focus should be about owning my own place, look at you, self dependence has made you a better person you can just decide to go to Ghana for two weeks for fun"

"Is that what you think, first of all I didn't go to Ghana for fun, I went there business yeah maybe I stayed back to enjoy it but my business comes first and having a sole business is not easy at all. You have to put in double the work,time and commitment and at times you have no where to go you have to put up with it and go even harder"

"You think I can't do it"

"No I didn't say that. You have always gotten things the easy way, you've never been an hustling guy so it's not the easiest thing in the book"

"What do you mean, I work my ass off day and night when I want to hang out with my friends I get stuck in traffic and I just have to wear my suit to the club looking like a professional baller"

"You sound desperate '' Steve teased 

"I am desperate. I don't have a house,am frustrated at my job so yeah am very desperate"

"Then maybe you should talk to your mom use your sweet tactics on her and maybe she might just consider you"

"Now is a bad time, she's still upset with me for leaving the house and breaking up with Nancy"

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