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Diana stood by Joy's desk, since she was the General secretary she's always the last person to leave the office.

The work for the day was done and diana was waiting for Jimi to pick her up

It's been two weeks since they started dating and everyday he drops her off in the morning and picks her up after work .

He insisted and it made it easy for her to get by everyday so she was gradually getting used to being seen with Jimi Benson all the time

"That boss lady is such a kill joy, how did she know I was going to a party today now she's intentionally delaying me''
Joy protested

"You know if you say kill Joy like that it actually killing you. You know coz your name is joy ''Diana giggled

"Very funny,  but I have to go out ,mingle with people at least you have your own Prince Charming where am I suppose to find my future partner If I don't socialize just because my work takes most of my time abeg o I must party"

"I didn't meet Jimi at a party"

"Well I do not have a neighbour as cute as yours all my neighbors are either married or very ugly and unattractive"

"So now you are concerned about his appearance only"

"Not really, but it so unfair that she wants me to end up like her. Alone and sad" she muttered softly

"You are very different from her, no matter what happens you are going to find your own man who's going to love you unconditionally"

"Just like Jimi not that am implying that am interested in him I just think he is almost perfect"

"No guy is perfect Joy, don't get it twisted"

diana shook her head as her phone buzz

"speak of the devil he is downstairs already."

"Awwn can't you stay with me for a while"

Someone cleared his throat and diverted their attention to where Marcel was standing very close to them

"Joy.. Anita is waiting for the report in her office"

"Yeah that's right ..I'll go now bye Diana see you tomorrow"

"Yeah you too '' Joy rushes out of her desk while Marcel and diana head to the elevator

"So Jimi finally pulled it on with you''
Marcel muttered once they were in the elevator

"Excuse me"

"Oh never mind"

"Marcel you were saying something about"

" Jimi Just now"

"Am just worried about you...OK, that guy is not who you think he is"

"I still don't get"

"Just don't fall too hard, he's not going to be there forever"

"If you are trying to scare me, well yeah it worked am not sure what you mean really just get to the point and stop beating about"

"Am not, I just don't want to see you get hurt, and that's seem to be Jimi Benson's specialty.. Hurting people"

"I'm going to be fine Marcel, I know what am getting into ,thanks for your concern"

he didn't say anything else until the elevator chimed open on the ground floor and he head straight to his car

Diana wasn't please that things had to go downhill between her and marcel, he is a great guy and things might have actually been different if jimi wasn't in the picture

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