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Marcel and Diana arrived in Abuja by late afternoon,they made a stop at their office in Maryland for a sum up project presentation that Marcel had to attend

When they got to Abuja, a chauffeur picked them up from the airport and took them to the hotel where they had made reservations

They barely spoke on the flight and it was Kinda awkward considering how close they were before the whole Jimi situation

So after they picked their key card and moved to their floor ,he just said to her

"Call me if you need anything"

"Okay " was all she could say before he entered his own room right beside hers

Her room was flawless and perfect, the dressing mirror and stand was what first caught her eye , they placed body lotion, vaseline and powder with a spray by the side

The bed was queen size with white bedsheets and duvet . The bathtub was oval shape and it looked like a perfect fit. The room smelled like lavender and she loved it

She quickly sent a text to Marty that she had arrived safely and asked her to call her when she's out of work

Diana sat with her laptop in her hotel room, trying to unpack when jimi's Skype came through and she answers quickly.

She hates to admit that she has been curious about what he has been up to since she left.

"Hello girlfriend "jimi smiled broadly

"Hey hon... How are you"

"Terrible, I'm terrible without you Diana"

"Stop saying nonsense, have only been gone for a few hours"

"Its not nonsense, I'm really missing you"

"Yeah I Missed you too"

"So how's the it going,"

"Very well,  but we just got here so I can't really tell so far am feeling really comfy"

"That's good because all of this cannot be in vain"

"All of what"

"Staying away from your family for a week, whatever you do there must be worth it"

"It is and it will be, you don't have to worry" she chuckles

" How's Abby and Marty"

"They're fine... Philip just took them home not long ago"

"Oh I thought I told Marty to sleep over at the house whenever they stay till so late, I sent Marty a text and she hasn't even replied"

"Relax, it's not even nine yet, and they left a while ago besides Philip is with them they will be fine... I'll call them as soon as I drop ours*

"Thanks jimi.... I just dont want any issues with my girls"

"Don't worry everything will be fine"

There was A knock on the door

"What's that" jimi asked

"Someone is at the door"


"I don't know yet, it could be room service,
I have to go and check"

"Okay I'll be here waiting"

"No silly, have got to go... Besides I have a dinner to attend"

"What dinner?"

"General dinner, it's our first night here we are definitely starving"

"Really, what are you wearing" he looks curious

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