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Marcel barge into anita's office looking very angry

"Marcel what's the problem. Why did you just barge in like that"

"I just saw the conference arrangements. Did you really just pin me together with Diana "

" I did"

"And why the hell would you do that"

"Because I figured it will be good for the company, you too have sparse view of improvement for the company so it better you put that into the field"

"Like that's supposed to be an excuse that I can buy.you think I don't see what you're trying to do here"

"Would you stop raising your voice at me marcel. What is wrong with you . Why are you acting so irrational"

"You know well that diana is an OPM and that does not include going on conference seminars like this"

"Says who?"

"Her job description facilities internal and external aspect of the company.if she is aiming for growth for this company it is about time she gets sometl training too"

Marcel sighed heavily and took his seat

"It could have been anyone else. You know better than to assign Diana to this trip with me"

"Well I made this arrangements before I knew that you had your chances blown off. Besides it is just a good business arrangements and nothing more"

"Now is not a good time Anita,am still trying to get over the fact that I was just dumped or almost so find someone else, it better we avoid each other than go on a trip together"

"Am sorry marcel it's too late, she just came in not long to confirm that she would be attending the conference. The tickets bookings have been made,the hotel reservation,the conference registration everything. Infact I just gave her the rest of the day off to get prepared"

"Ohh heavens! This is some serious horseshit Anita. Put yourself in my shoes, I literally just drank myself to stupor the whole weekend trying to forget all about it and now am confronting her the whole week"

"Maybe it not such a bad idea. What better way to move on quickly"

" Easy for you to say."

"Don't blame me I only think about the company's progress not relationship issues. But am sure you'll figure your way out of this bro. You always do"
She teased


Jimi knocked severally on Diana's door before The door opened and a Diana wearing shorts and slack t-shirt was smiling brightly she was finally back from marty's place he missed her so much over the weekend besides they never got the chance to go on their second date

"Hey Jimi."

Jimi placed a soft kiss on her cheeks before smiling back
"Hey, what's going on in there" he could hear noise in the background

"Marty and Abby are tearing me up with their endless nonsense"

"No wonder you are in a good mood any other reason for that"

"No I don't think so"
"Here. " Jimi hand out a box of chocolates

" For Abby"

"Ohh thank you.. you are so spoiling us in this house"

"Nope not us,am sure I clearly said this is for Abby not us" they giggled

"And you look extremely fascinating in those"
She smiles again
" don't mind me we're just packing up"

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