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The car suddenly become too hot and uncomfortable for Jimi ,the AC was on and the cool night breeze was supposed to make him feel better but he wasn't feeling at ease, his own car seem to have become an oven.

He glanced at the woman sitting next to him in the car, she was just staring out the window, she seem to not be feeling the way he was feeling, he pulled down his tie and rubbed his throat,

his chest was beating so hard and fast he felt he was going to explode and he felt really uncomfortable he doesn't even understand what this is about and is not exactly the first time this was happening anytime but this was quite different

this time he was sweating like crazy, his forehead was itchy, his neck everywhere. He couldn't understand what was going on or what she was doing to me because he sure as hell couldn't control himself

"Jimi if you don't take your eyes off me and on the road instead we are going to be in an accident ''
she said softly making him jump because she was still staring out the window

"Oh.. I. .oh.....pheew! I wasn't staring ''
he stammers how can she stay calm and observe while he is going out of his mind

silence filled the car again
he couldn't help himself so when he glanced at her at her again their eyes met and they both laughed

"Did I mention that you are looking extremely beautiful tonight"

"Maybe like a dozen times already"

"Ohh it's not like you are not always beautiful but tonight was kinda spectacular, you know you look so different,maybe because I haven't seen you like this before you look gorgeous I mean you stood out among hundred women at the dinner tonight I mean it was "

"Jimi I get the point ..thank you"

"I'm merely stating a fact no need to thank me .." he tried to concentrate on driving again but after a split second he couldn't help but ask

"so you and Marcel huh"

"Me and Marcel what?"

"I mean he brought you to a dinner for a reason"

"Dinner with about over a hundred people"

"Still you were his date"

"Well...., He is my boss nothing more "
Not that I owe you an explanation'  she said to herself
"Besides, what was that back there with you two?"

"Marcel and I share a past."

"An ugly one I guess"

"Something like that,"

"he was pretty defensive back there like he had everyone reason to"
She pushed for a more detailed answer

"Yeah he's always like that sometimes there are things that ought to remain in the past, some things are better left in the past"

Diana fell quiet at his last sentence which past was he referring to exactly because if he was playing dumb now would be a great time to rip his head off, she thought of all kind of things she could say to him but couldn't make up her mind

Jimi slightly touched her and she almost jumped out of her skin

"Diana are you OK."

she looked around and realized the car had stopped and they were already at home

"Yeah! Yeah am fine"

"Are you sure"

"Yes " she snapped

she struggled to get out of the car because the seat belt won't come off when Jimi leaned over to help her they accidentally bumped heads

"Geez Diana am sorry, just lean back and let me help you with that ''

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