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Jimi organized another dinner date with Diana,
It wasn't just a dinner to remake the last one they had that Esther ruined, it was a dinner to celebrate his success and promotion

So when he finished from work today he picked Diana up and took her to a nice restaurant

They took their seats in one of the reserved corners, jimi was feeling pretty confident with himself as he went on with his order

"Someone sure looks happy today "Diana stated her observation since he wouldn't stop smiling

"I am more than happy babe, I finally got my job back.. Unexpectedly and surprisingly, and am currently having dinner with my gorgeous woman, I am not just happy. I am overjoyed. This is life at it fullest"

"And I am happy for you" Diana smiled
"Not everyone gets to live life at it fullest before turning 30

Jimi chuckles but Diana was referring to something else

He held her hand and raised it up to his lips and kissed her palms softly

"Your charm and your personality pushed me to you and now this same charm and personality is working wonders on my behalf. You have no idea how incredibly amazing you are, see how things are just working out smoothly"

"How ! I mean, I didn't do anything"

"You didn't have to do anything, showing up in my life is the key to my breakthrough, being with me is my happiest achievement , staying with me is all the encouragement I needed to thrive and being there for me, knowing that when I look over my shoulder you're always going to be looking out for me is the best feeling just as it is right now. Sitting here with you enjoying a nice meal is like we are only people left in the world and every other thing doesn't matter"

Diana felt a flutter in her chest , dangling butterflies in her stomach but of course they died almost as quickly as they resurrected.

Jimi Benson has his ways with words that just sets you at a place where you are not prepared for what's about to happen next

"One day your words are going to slow down time with the way you attach so much sentiment to your expression"
Diana admitted honestly
"You're not a poet but there's so much charisma and emotion to your rhyming words. Am flattered"

"Well am glad you like my not so perfectly composed rhymes"

"They're perfect"

"Thank you in as much as you like it I am over the moon" they giggled
"You know It's the only way I can express myself to you .... By now you should know the way you sometimes leave me speechless and atimes I just lose it and go on and on like a typewriter"

"I agree to the typewriter part..you keep clicking on the same laters and the chunking sound won't go off "
They burst into laughter

Diana really wanted to address the crazy issue of his stalking ex girlfriend and tell him to his face that she doesn't appreciate being dragged and humiliated continuously because his ex refuses to let him go

But she decided to dance around it for tonight, they are having a good time and it would be unfair to ruin it

"So how was it today at the office, saying goodbye to your people"

"Arggrhh" he groaned
"Harder than I thought but we are all at a good place and everyone was genuinely happy for me"


"Yeah ! I mean when I first started working at pyramid I hated the way the organization worked, hierarchy is such a big issue and everyone is always snooping around trying to make the other person look bad. I mean you can't even look your superior in the eye because they are so high and mighty
There are some of the big bosses you can't ride in the same elevator with or walk side by side with not because they tell you not to but just out of fear or making them understand that you respect them or whatever position they hold. I really don't know how that scene works but it sucks and it something that am going to address at my own company. You know they should be freedom of expression and good relatable acquaintances between employees and their employers or high ranked executive.
Am not saying disrespect your boss or be too familiar but just don't see he or she as an almighty being that you can not dare to look at..... It's ridiculous and it doesn't exactly product company progress internally"

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