Her honour

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Chapter seventy two

Cleo span around frantically, searching for her missing Mother. The others looked wide eyed as they heard the panic in Cleo's voice. Through the choking smoke caused by the truck fire, Cleo caught a flash of a blacked out car speeding around a corner. Without hesitation Cleo ran to her Skyline and jumped in. She ignored her families plea of waiting for them, the thought of losing the car that she had a gut feeling had her Mother in was out of the question.

Just when Cleo thought she hadn't ever felt more pressure, she was now chasing not only her Mother, but the future Queen. If she was right, she knew they wouldn't hesitate harming Madeline, and Cleo couldn't bear the thought.

"So, this is where you've been hiding." She muttered to herself as she watched the car turn into a shady alley, it was next to a dingy looking one storey building. Their budget must have been cut short with the high rewards, they couldn't afford the higher end of Arcane.

Cleo pulled up around the corner and hid behind the cold brick wall. The second she saw sight of Madeline, Cleo pounced on the man gripping her Mother aggressively. She broke the hold he had on her, taking a green blade from her leg and slicing his neck, not enough to kill him but enough to buy her time. "Run!" Cleo told her Mother.

"I'm not leaving!" Madeline rebelled. Cleo's piercing stare sent shivers down Madeline's spine, her daughter was a spitting image of her Farther. She had been told about her 'full Valencia' era, but it wasn't until now she had experienced it.

"My cars around the corner." Cleo informed, tossing her keys to Madeline. She caught them, feeling the most conflicted she had ever felt, if she left Cleo and she got hurt how could she live with herself. "GO!" Cleo ordered, snapping Madeline out of her inner battle.

Cleo was relieved when she saw her Mother run around the corner. If she was going to make it out alive, she couldn't hold back, and she didn't want her to see the monster Cleo would turn into. "Where's your boss?" Cleo sternly asked the bleeding man.

"You'll never win this." He replied with a bloody smirk. Cleo narrowed her eyes and stepped forward, stabbing her blade into his stomach. He coward over in agony as she twisted the cold sharp weapon. A small disturbingly satisfied smile spread across the Valencia's girls mouth as he crippled onto the cold floor. Watching him bleed on the floor was a small reminder how April looked, something about it being reversed gave her a sense of revenge.

Cleo clocked the back door, where the now deceased man was intending to drag Madeline. She stepped over his body to start whatever war she was walking into. Cleo kicked the weak metal door open, nearly ripping it off its hinges. "Boys." Cleo's voice echoed in the long damp corridor. Her call stirred the attention of two men. "Shall we?" She asked, holding her arms out with a smirk. Both males pulled out flip knives, Cleo chuckled. Launching two throwing stars through the air, striking them in the forehead. "I would recommend throwing them." She said, progressing past their corpses. "There has to be something in here." Cleo whispered. Why would they had a guarded unit for nothing? If it isn't holding information, it must be holding someone, or somebodies. She made her way down the hall when her legs were suddenly swept from underneath her. Cleo crashed to the hard floor, her hands breaking the heavy hit coming for her jaw. She groaned as she pushed herself up.

"I don't think so." A voice told her, Cleo didn't recognise the deep voice, bringing her a new discomfort, but whoever it was, she could handle. His large hand gripped the back of her neck and dragged her to back to her feet, the harsh pressure made Cleo's blood boil. He continued to move his hand to her throat and pull her against him. "You better pray to god the boss makes it quick." He told her with a clear lace of smugness. After all, he would be the one to capture Cleopatra Valencia, when nobody else could.

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