Morning greetings

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Chapter two

A deafening ring bounced off the walls of Cleopatra's cosy private home. The hidden house was planted exactly fifteen minutes away from the palace and half an hour from Arcane. She groaned with frustration at the wake-up call and rolled over to silence the alarm. The first day of torture she thought to herself. A shower and coffee played on her mind as she pulled herself out of her slumber and stepped onto the cold floor of her emerald decorated bedroom. The peace of living by herself is bliss, but she had a deal in which she has to see her Mum before she went to school. She pulled back the curtains quickly embracing the blinding sun, there's no going back to bed now.

The heated water soothed her tense muscles for the duration of her shower, but when she stepped out if all flooded back. Cleopatra wrapped her towel about her body and wiped the foggy mirror to see she looked as miserable about today as she felt. As she was about to walk out of the bathroom her phone lit up. Her brother Zeus. A smile spread on her face when she unlocked his text.

'Have fun at rich kid school sis.'

"Dumb ass." She muttered to herself.

Cleopatra stared grimly at her new uniform, never in her life did she think she'd have to stroll around in a preppy blue tartan skirt. "This is going to take some work." She sighed. Slipping each garment off its hanger only made her disgust grow. It was way too conservative for her taste but it's nothing she can't fix. She shortened the skirt a few inches, tucked the crisp white shirt in keeping a few top buttons undone and layered it with a short dark school cardigan. "Not too shabby." She said complimenting her styling. After she dried and straightened her long dark hair she turned to make-up. Due to the lack of her caring of the rules she continued to do what she wanted and completed her make-up just the way she liked. The knee high socks made her nauseous so she swapped them out with black thigh high which perfectly matched with her leather biker boots. The clock caught her eye, the time had come where she had to leave her comfort place. One of the many things Cleo learned from her Dad is never go anywhere unprotected, she strapped her cold metal blades around her thighs, hidden from everyone, but deadly if used against them.

Her house may not be a fortress but it has room for her Audi and her motorbike. She quickly tied up her hair and put her helmet on. The roaring engine fired filled her with a sense of hope, only a few hours and she can hop straight back on to ride her problems away.


The grand palace halls were nearly as intimidating as the outside view. Of course they were impressive and elegant, this is someone's dream house, but there was no sense of warmth of comfort. "Cleopatra." A sweet yet authoritative voice said just as she walked past the dining room. Cleo stopped in her tracks and made her way into the bright colossal room. The future Queen, Madeline Bennett sat before her most likely waiting for her wild daughters arrival.

"Good morning." Cleo politely greeted taking the more pleasant approach.

"Is it even worth me complaining about your uniform?" She asked her in disapproval.

Cleo gave her a sarcastic grin. "By all means continue. But we both know it's not going to make a difference. You can change my school but you can't change me."

Her Mum laughed with a slight glimmer of pride at her daughter's strong attitude. "Are you ready for today?" She asked from the other side of the room.

Cleo scowled with a smirk. "It's a school. I've taken on much worse." Madeline nodded.

"In that case, it's the others I fear for." Her Mum said as she took a sip from her tea cup. Cleopatra had still not adapted to seeing her dressing fancier than she used to and residing in such a place. Although, for royalty Madeline still dressed awfully casual, she hardly had room to critique her daughters fashion statement as she used to wear worse.

"What can I say? I'd rather be feared than be in fear." Cleo smirked. She always knew to be herself even if it meant people didn't like her, she soon found her crowd with her brother and two other friends back in Arcane.

"Madeline." A high pitched voice called from down the hall. Cleo recognised the irritating noise immediately. Her step- sister. Isabella Bennett. The short petite blonde girl dressed in the same uniform as her steps into the room and curtsied to Madeline. Cleo let out a laugh at the formal act, every royal act amused her, especially when it was for her Mum. The girl's nose curled up when she set her eyes upon Cleopatra, it only added to her amusement.

"Technically I'm a princess. Do I get one of those too?" Cleo asked her Mum. She received a narrowed eye stare back. Her humour never did get enough credit.

"What is she doing here?" Isabella asked with what Cleo called a 'bitchy attitude'

"Excuse me!" Cleo objected. "She, has a name! And it ends with Valencia, so you better watch yourself." She bit daggering the now sheepish looking girl.

"Cleopatra!" Madeline shouts standing from her chair. "I will not tolerate such behaviour towards your sister."

Cleo turned her attention to her Mum. "She is not my sister. You married her Father, making us in no way biological." Not even Madeline could argue with the genetics.

"It perfectly fine Madeline, I was just going to tell you I'm leaving for school."

"No need." Madeline said. "Cleopatra will take you seeing as you're going to the same place." Cleo knew her Mum was loving the ability to make her life harder. Isabella and Cleo have never had a good relationship, in fact they've never had a real conversation without insults.

"No can do." Cleo replied.

Madeline narrowed her eyes as she stepped closer. "And why not?" She challenged.

Cleo had much delight waving her helmet she had been holding by the straps in the air. "I came on my bike." This was a classic Cleo move, there was no way Isabella would agree to get on the back and it was too late for Cleo to turn back for her car.

"Andrew." Madeline called. A tall strapping man entered the room upon his order. "Would you mind driving Isabella to the school?"

"It would be a pleasure." He replied gesturing Isabella to leave first. With one finally disapproving look towards her step-sister she left.

"You're slick I'll give you that." Madeline said.

Cleo stood with a smirk. "You seem to forget who I am Mother. I'm one step ahead of everyone. I better go. Wouldn't want to be late and hold back the future presidents of the country."

Madeline rolled her eyes. "Just don't kill yourself on that thing."

Cleopatra walked out satisfied with her ability to wind up Isabella and outsmart her Mum.

The first hurdle complete. Now it's time to face a thousand new ones.

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