A Valencia night

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Chapter forty three

Cleo drove to her family home with a smile. After a long night stuck with her thoughts and confusing feelings, she could finally have a few hours to switch off. Guilt was eating away at her, Charlie sent a long sweet message wishing her a happy birthday, meanwhile hours prior she was wrapped up in a dream world with Kai. The kiss they shared still tingled on her lips and her skin still felt his grip despite the long hot shower she had, nothing could help her forget that unexpected blissful moment. Without Kai's restraint and breaking them apart before anything to serious happened she feared she would have carried on. The lies were building up against a healthy relationship with Charlie and Cleo knew she was the reason why. It wasn't until Lola tapped on Cleo's car window that she realised she was already parked in the Valencia residence.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Lola shouted as Cleo got out the car. Her loud screaming made Cleo wince. "Cheesy enough?" Lola smirked, she knew Cleo hated all the stereotypical birthday stuff. If they ever dared to throw her a surprise party Cleo would never step foot in the country again. "You look..."

"Like what?" Cleo asked, giving her best friend the 'tread carefully' look.

Lola countered her glare with a small smile. "Like you need a family night." Cleo laughed at her improvised end. Lola pulled Cleo in for a hug, a much needed one. Before dragging her into the house Cleo grew up in.

"Here she is." Jax cheered, jumping on the youngest Valencia. Cleo managed to catch him without being crushed like a piece of paper.

"My not so baby sister." Zeus smiled with open arms. Cleo chuckled and ran to him, Zeus picked her up with ease and spun her around making her squeal. Within seconds Cleo felt better.

"Where's my girl?" A voice said making Zeus stop spinning Cleo and safely return her feet on the marble floor.

"Dad." Cleo said as Hade became a solid figure rather than a blur.

"You look older already." He smirked. Cleo's face turned sour at his subtle insult. However, she wrapped her arms around him as he squeezed his only daughter tight.

"Yeah, I'm glad I bought that anti-aging cream for you now." Jax laughed. Cleo stepped away from Hade and smacked his arm making Jax groan, small Cleo may be but weak she is far from.

"With that dose of violence, shall we eat?" Zeus asked. They all knew it was primarily because he was hungry and wanted to dive into the feist Hade had put together. The senior Valencia had many strong attributes, and cooking is an unexpected one. Hade is traditional in the sense that he likes family meals.

The four teens gathered around the table with their jaws to the floor as they admired the food. They didn't quite realised how much Hade savoured every minute he could spend with them. They all took their usual seats, Cleo and Zeus opposite each other. Lola next to Cleo and opposite Jax, and as tradition Hade sat at the head of the table. Cleo look to the other end with a sad smile, she remembered the days when her Mum would sit there.

"Before Zeus destroys this whole table I want to say something." Hade announced, only to be interrupted by the doorbell.

"I'll get it." Cleo said putting her napkin on her chair as she left the room. She smirked as she walked slower than normal knowing her brother will pout a little longer from hunger. Cleo opened the heavy door to a face she didn't expect.

"Mum." She said in surprise.

"Room for one more?" Madeline asked with a smile.

Cleo gave her a small smile back. "Always." She answered, stepping aside and taking the box Madeline was carrying. Cleo looked through the small clear window of the box to see a stunning birthday cake inside. It took a minute to compute that her Mum actually turned up, Cleo never imagined she would ever accept the offer.

"We have one more." Cleo said as she returned to the dining room. Everyone's hungry eyes turned to shock when they saw Madeline stood in the door way. She hadn't stepped foot in this house for years, Hade was almost certain she wouldn't ever again.

"I hope you don't mind." Madeline said suddenly feeling as if she was imposing. She debated on coming, but she feared Cleo might never give her the chance to spend a family night together again if she declined. The palace felt cold and lonely while her husband and Isabella were away. Madeline was so independent before she left Arcane, but now she hates being alone.

"Your seats waiting for you." Hade said with his charming smile, the same one that Madeline fell in love with years ago. Madeline looked to the opposite end of the table. The meals they shared throughout the years together were some of the best memories she'd ever created. For a split second she wished it never ended. "As I was saying. To my daughter... our daughter." Hade corrected as he locked eyes with Madeline, her cheeks blushed at his familiar voice that she could never resist. "This time seventeen years ago we were blessed with meeting you. I've never felt something so incredible than holding you for the very first time. I knew nothing about raising a girl, but the second you looked at me everything stopped, all the worries left. That's when I knew you, along with your brother were the best thing that had ever happened to me. Since that day you've never disappointed me, in fact you amaze me every day. My life would most likely be quieter but very boring without you. I blame your Mum for your feist." Madeline's eye roll was loud and clear to Hade. "But you Cleopatra Valencia are one hell of a person, and I'm proud to be your Dad." Cleo's heart had never felt so warm. She hadn't heard Hade ever speak so sincerely before. He'd always made his love clear, but never in words it was always in actions or subtle approvals of her plans and race wins. This was the best birthday gift she could ever receive. Cleo stood from her chair and hugged her Dad.

"I love you." She whispered.

"Love you too Kido." He quietly said back. " I think we should probably eat before Zeus passes out." Hade laughed.

The Valencia family shared jokes as they slowly devoured the large table of food. Cleo looked around, taking in the surreal moment of her family being back together. She had learned over the years blood doesn't mean everything. Zeus is biologically only her half- brother, and yet they act like twins, nobody in the world knows the real version of her like Zeus. She couldn't imagine life without Lola and Jax, they were her other siblings, they annoy the hell out of her but she loves them no matter what. Her parents back together was the icing on the cake. Cleo couldn't remember the last time they were in the same room and now they're reminiscing on 'the good old days'

"Zeus if you don't stop eating you're going to explode." Lola laughed as they all stared at the bloated boy. He sighed still holding a piece of chicken.

"We do not want a repeat of your 7th birthday." Madeline smirked as she took a sip of her wine.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Zeus said timidly.

Hade raised his eyebrows. "So you don't remember throwing up everything you ate?" Everyone, except Zeus of course laughed at the image none of them could forget.

"The photo of you on a sugar high straight after is my favourite photo of all time." Jax chuckled from his belly. Zeus elbowed him in the rips and mocked his laugh.

"You better save some room because I brought cake, but I trust you won't be bouncing off the walls this time." Madeline said. The word 'cake' acted like a trigger, suddenly Zeus wasn't slouched or grumbling.

'I wish this night never ends' Cleo thought to herself, this is her paradise.

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