The Big Bang!

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Chapter fifty nine

The Valencia crew had used Dalton's phone to get intel on the next phone drop. It turned out that he was the main supplier, meaning he received a lot of information. The grand plan was to surround the SUV'S that have been transporting the phones. It's bound to catch the masterminds attention. With no way of hiring people, they would have to do the job themselves. The names had been staying on the list significantly longer since they began this take down. The money was going up but the hit rate was down.

All they had was a few days to prepare and test their plan. Zeus was keen to try it out in case his idea wasn't up to scratch.

"Sharper on that corner Jax!" Cleo shouted as Jax came to a drifting stop around the small course Cleo had created at the base. Collectively the had gone through eight sets of tires. Burning through the thick rubber, it was safe to say they were pushing themselves, and the cars to the limit. The boys had spent every spare minute adding features and fitting new things to get them flying. Zeus was under intense supervision by Jax, Cleo however did some work on her skyline without a backseat fixer.

"Cleo, this is way harder than the street. Relax." Jax said hanging onto his car door. She knew he was right, but she was only being tough out of love. "But it's your fuel, so I'll go again." He smirked, hopping back in. He drove himself back to the start of the makeshift track.

"You'll be okay, you know." Cleo told her best friend. She could see Lola's anxiety increasing by the minute. She was a good driver, but she thrives all things technology, it's been a while since she's been behind the wheel. Lola snapped out the nervous trance she found herself in.

"Easy thing for you to say. You guys are untouchable, I'm average." The blonde replied without her usual optimism. Cleo rolled her eyes and jumped off the mountain stack of tires she was sat on, to join Lola on the smaller stack.

"You should give yourself some slack. You're better than you think. Besides, I'll be behind you and Jax will be in front for majority of the time." The plan was like a dance routine, they had intricate timings and positions. Any slip up could cause a catastrophe. "Here we go. Round thirty." Cleo announced catching Jax approaching. His blue car was slick and ran smoother than ever before, it was a dream. The two watched, analysing every turn, shift and drift. The final corner came, the one he hadn't quite nailed to Cleo's expectation. She narrowed her eyes praying for him to turn his wheel quicker. He broke earlier and drifted the way Cleo would do herself. She rose to her feet and cheered. Jax stopped the car with a huge smile. "I knew you had it in you." Cleo praised as he stepped out the hard working vehicle.

Cleo's phone buzzed. She reach into her pocket to see Charlie's name. She was wondering when she would hear from him, she ditched school without much of an explanation.

"Ivy league." Cleo said down the phone.

"Hey, what you up to? I haven't heard from you all day."

Cleo debated on telling him the situation. "Nothing much, just some car stuff."

"Anything to do with the dead pool?" He question in a dull tone.

Cleo rolled her eyes, wishing he could see and get the point across. "Everything I do is to do with the dead pool. It's called being proactive."

Charlie sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry, I just worry."

"It's almost nine, kiddies." Zeus announced strolling through the metal door, interrupting Cleo's phone call.

"I really need to go Charlie, I'll talk to you later."

"Just be safe." He told her. His tone changed, it sounded more of a plea. Charlie had always told her to be careful, but he never sounded like this. It was almost a prayer. Cleo put it down to him not being able to help her more. She knew he felt a little guilty about Kai leaving, he was happy that in his eyes his 'threat' was gone. But he knew when it came down to racing and fighting, Kai was more equip than him.

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