The race of the century

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Chapter fifty five

For the first time throughout this Deadpool, Cleo had to think of a plan by herself. She could hideaway, and lick her wounds, from the painful words from her family. Or, she could get up, and prove just how dangerous she really is.

With some help from Adder, a race was organised. Races we known to be spontaneous, so it wouldn't cause suspicion. But when the king of organising puts the word out it's always a big event. It created a golden opportunity for Cleo to get to the bottom of the poisoned racers.

Cleo pulled her Audi up calmly. She wasn't here for pleasure, she was here to work. Adder caught her eye when she stepped out her car.

"Nice turn out." The brunette praised her friend.

"You asked, you received. I'm easy going like that." Adder smirked resting on Cleo's ride.

Cleo rolled her eyes. To others Adder was far from easy going, but he'd always had a soft spot for her. "Oh please, you just wanted another night of easy money."

"Well it certainly doesn't hurt." Adder replied with a shrug. "What's with the request? Just fancy stripping more boys of their pride?"

Cleo laughed but narrowed her eyes, preparing for his reaction of her explanation. "As much as I like doing that. I just found out some mystery gang are using racers as their soldiers."

Adder sighed and looked around. "No doubt the young and broke ones. I thought something was going on."

Cleo nodded, sadly. Adder always liked looking out for the young crowd, he never allows the older ones push them around physically, fights are worked out on the road. However, unless it's life threatening, he'll let anyone race each other. They all need to lose a few to race with the big dogs.

"I'm going to change that. But you might have some unhappy racers on your hands." Cleo warned him.

"I'd rather that, than going to their funeral." Adder said, approving Cleo's actions.. Cleo was unpredictable, but he knew if she said she was going to do something, she would. "Where's the rest of the Valencia crew then?" He asked innocently. Cleo needed to keep her mind clear, the last thing she needed was to be emotionally shaken.

"Elsewhere." She simply replied. Adder saw it in her eyes that she wasn't going to elaborate.

Cleo waited till the crowd began to fill, she had hoped it would be busy. "Let's do this." She said to herself. Adder offered his hand as she stepped onto her tire.

"HEY!" a very familiar voice called from a newly arrived car. Cleo glanced back, a smile rose on her face. "You didn't think you were doing this alone, did you?" Zeus asked, walking closer.

"I thought you weren't helping anymore." Cleo said planting both her boots on the concrete.

Zeus looked behind him, their two best friends stood with smirks. "We're too far in to abandon ship." Jax added with his hands in his pockets.

"Valencia for life, right?" Lola questioned. Cleo could have cried of happiness; her Mum was right. They were never truly going to leave her.

"I believe you were about to scare the shit out of everyone." Zeus reminded his sister. Cleo laughed, taking both Adder's and his hands to help her to stand on her car roof.

Cleo stood tall and cleared her throat. She had a perfect view of the large capacity Adder had created with only a few hours.

"LISTEN UP!" Cleo yelled. Receiving next to nobody's attention other than her crew, she knew she was taking the wrong approach. "Let's try this." She said casually. Cleo reached into her jean waist band, to use her secret weapon. She raised her pistol in the air and fired a deafening shot. The crowd ducked, and shouted, using a large range of profanity. Cleo stood remaining in her dominate stance, now content with capturing the crowds full attention.

"Let's start this again." She smiled. People watched her with fear in their eyes. Living in Arcane, a good amount of them have encountered situations with firearms. But when a Valencia is controlling the trigger, it becomes their worst fear. "It's come to my attention, that some of you have acquired some new business. And speaking as a Valencia, I appreciate the hustle." She spoke with a smirk, along with her audience who looked at each other laughing. Cleo knew how to get them where she wanted them. "However, you are way over your head!" The street became silent. "So, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Anybody who has one of these." Cleo held one of the many phones they had acquainted up. "Will hand it to me now. Or you'll pay the price of your treachery to Arcane." The guilty faces were so obvious to Cleo from where she stood. It was clear whomever employed them were convincing, and offering them a price they couldn't refuse.

"And what if we don't?" A voice challenged from the crowd. Cleo was about to deploy from her car acting as a podium, but the stupid question stopped her. Cleo was expecting an overly confident racer, who wouldn't be able to shift to save their life. But, what she was met with was a man, easily in his twenties, she'd seen him around before. He was nothing special, but Cleo remembered him being able to keep his own. "You'll shoot us?" He sarcastically asked.

Cleo chuckled, finding his ignorance amusing. "A bullet between the eyes would be the kind option. Mental, physical and emotional torture is far more entertaining." She said with a smile. "I am your worst fear. So, unless you want to see what I am really capable of. I'd hand your phone in."

The man laughed, this time he found Cleo's confident words amusing. Cleo was unaware at just how much power he held. "Sweetheart, who do you think been giving them out?" He asked patronisingly. He chuckled as he looked around, he was proud of his actions. He was responsible, for the guilty faces. He's the one who's using the promise of money to build an army. But Cleo knew he wasn't capable of being the master mind. Why after all this secrecy would they expose themselves? "Do you really expect everyone to hand you their chance at living the high life? Money will always win." Cleo hated that he was right. She said the same thing at the Asterin gala. But she never thought Arcane would be just as greedy.

"Then we settle this the Arcane way. We race!" Cleo shouted. "I win. I get every phone, including yours. You win, you get my car, and you carry on your plan." Cleo knew nobody could resist the chance of getting their hands on a Valencia car.

"Well, who am I to turn down the race of the century?" The man asked with a sickly smile. Cleo could feel her brother tense at the sight. Cleo took Adder's hand to get down, when another voice spoke up.

"I want in!"

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