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Chapter thirty

"Sit." Cleo instructed after getting Kai into her hide out. The base was an extra ten minutes away and even Cleo found enough humanity to want to keep her rival safe. He listened without a verbal battle. Slumped on a kitchen chair he waited for Cleo to return with medical supplies.

"It just had to be you." Cleo muttered as she put the first aid kit on her table. Kai chuckled at her lack of sympathy.

"Trust me, I wasn't intending on being attacked." Kai paused as he took his own words in. "My bad, you don't do the trust thing." Kai added increasing Cleo's desire to make his wound sting a little more. He wasn't wrong, she doesn't trust, especially with the likes of Kai, but he doesn't have to be so smart about it.

"Do you want help or would you rather run your mouth and bleed out?" Cleo asked sarcastically. Kai laughed but stopped when the light headed feeling struck him again, he shut his eyes trying to remain calm. Cleo folded a section of bandage material and pressed it to the back of his head. "Keep pressure on it for a second." She quickly said, Kai's fingers brushed hers as they exchanged jobs, just for a moment Cleo froze from the sudden touch of Kai. She broke herself out of the bizarre feeling and walked to her kitchen cupboard, filling a glass with cold water and placed it onto the table, along with a bowl for cleaning his head. "You need to keep hydrated."

Kai looked up to his personal nurse with a smile. "When did you become nice?"

Cleo rolled her eyes. "If someone in our team is hurt, we take care of each other. Even if that person is you." She replied.

Kai smiled, not a sly or playboy smile, a genuine one. "That's the first time you've spoke to me like I'm in your team."

Cleo rummaged around in her kit trying to ignore the sudden attraction she was being overwhelmed by. "Well, we haven't kicked you out yet, and seeing as you're in just as much trouble as me it's smart to stick together."

"Miss sixty million thinks she's on the same level as me." Kai laughed starting to feel less daze. "You're way more at risk than the rest of us."

Cleo leaned over and swapped the bandaged drenched in blood with a new paper white one. Kai took the hint and held it. She was shocked as to just as big the cut was. She threw the cloth to the side and returned her attention to Kai. "Being at the top of a hit list isn't exactly something I want to brag about."

"Does it scare you?" Kai asked in a dim tone.

Cleo stayed silent while squirting some antiseptic onto a cloth. "Someone wanting me dead? No. But someone wanting my family dead? More than anything."

"But Zeus and Hade aren't on it." Kai stated in his confused state.

Cleo's mouth curled to a small smile, it is at this point where she realised Kai didn't understand what it's like to be in a team. "Zeus and Hade aren't my only family, Jax and Lola mean the world to me too. Family doesn't always mean blood, you'll soon learn Malakai." Kai looked up to Cleo with a warm feeling in his heart, Cleo's words weren't a promise for him to stick around but it sure felt like it. "Now this is going to hurt so don't be a baby about it." She warned hovering the antiseptic cloth over his head. He nodded taking a final deep breath. Cleo smirked knowing she was secretly about to love seeing him in discomfort, being on a team doesn't take away that they will always remain rivals. Cleo replaced the materials making Kai hiss in agony, his hands found her waist pulling her closer. Cleo's breath hitched as he gripped her. Their eyes met as Kai realised what he had done. Every bitter exchange the two Arcane kids had vanished, all they focused on were each-other's eyes. Cleo saw his beautiful eyes that she had only noticed when they first made their deal dilate. Cleo didn't know a lot about romance, that was always Lola's area but the slight pounding in her chest made her wonder if her hatred was being traded for something else. Her questioning was soon drawn to a close when Kai wiggled away trying to escape the stinging she was currently causing him.

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