The new royals

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Chapter forty seven

The Valencia's stepped through the grand ball room full of high class business people who had a dangerous amount of power and influence. In the world we live in money and status gets you further than playing by the rules and this room is heaving with the biggest rule breakers the country has to offer. Hade Valencia is known due to his connections, however, Cleo and Zeus stayed clear of Asterin so they remained unknown. As Hade began mingling with men that he would rather be shot than speak to the others slipped away to begin their man hunt. "the other side." Cleo said to Zeus as they always do, and they went their separate ways. He nodded at his little sister and left.

Cleo looked around, she saw Zeus and Jax across the room stalking their pray that they were assigned. Lola disappeared quicker than the eye could see.

"Where did Lola go?" Charlie questioned noticing the missing blonde.

"Upper floor, she needs a better view." Cleo said as if were obvious.

"It's times like this I wish I drank." Kai groaned as he stood uncomfortably in the room full of the upper class.

"Ignore him, he's allergic to anyone who doesn't live in Arcane." Cleo said rolling her eyes, although she could relate, the informal business deals and fake friendly conversations were making her grow bored, but her months here have made her climatize to it.

A sudden burst of flashing lights and chatter roared from the foyer stirred her attention. "Kai, what's the time?" Cleo asked. Kai pushed his blazer sleeve up and read nine o'clock.

"My Father is calling me over, I'll be back." Charlie said just before planting a kiss on Cleo's cheek.

"He's obviously sucking up to inherit this intolerable hub for the rich and famous." Kai said sounding disinterested.

"You know Malakai not everyone does something for a motive, he's helping his Father you'd do the same." Cleo defended.

Kai laughed. "Except I doubt the rich kids Dad is an abusive drunk. So no, I wouldn't help him."

Cleo kept her eyes fixed on the entrance in hopes of finally seeing her Mum, even though they couldn't communicate as normal Cleo still wanted her in sight. "Well you went to see him the other day so it can't be all bad."

"You have no idea why I went there Valencia." He said bluntly, Kai kept his frustration in control seeing as he didn't want to blow the whole mission. But he couldn't deny that Cleo's harsh words struck a chord. Whenever Charlie comes into conversation she's quick to defend Charlie and dismiss him.

"Ladies and Gentlemen." A man announced striking the attention of the guests, from their research he recognised the man as Charlies Father, they didn't look alike but Cleo knows all about not looking like a biologic family. "May I present the Queen, princess Madeline, princess Charlotte and her daughter princess Grace."

Cleo's eyes widen as she heard the names. She had only expected her Mother and now the actual Queen is here, she's only met her Grandmother a handful of times and not in the recent years. And who the hell are the other two?

The four royals announced gracefully entered the room, everyone applauded and bowed at them as they should. "Did I just hear that?" Lola asked in shock through their ear pieces.

"Lola run a check on the two new royals, I want everything!" Cleo said as she caught eyes with Madeline. She didn't look best pleased, like Mother like Daughter.

The crowd created a pathway for the royalty. Shortly after they formed a queue to speak to them. Suddenly the higher class looked middle to the royals. Cleo was technically one of them and yet she felt bottom of the entire pyramid.

Cleo watched as the hungry social climbers spoke to the royals. Madeline looked disengaged, she was putting a good act on but Cleo knew when she being fake. "Let's go." Charlie said grabbing Cleo's hand. Cleo stared back at Kai hoping he would rescue her from the dreadful situation but then she remembered he has no clue about her relation to them.

"Lola, progress?" Cleo asked urgently as the line became shorter.

"Okay. Princess Charlotte, eldest child of the queen. Has quite a colourful past, and by the looks of it was sent away during those years. Her daughter Grace is eight, a good student, perfect grades."

"Lola, useful things please." Zeus said through the piece, he remained on the side table with Jax. Cleo looked over to him receiving a comforting smile he knew his sister was close to becoming overwhelmed.

"Princess Madeline was set to take over from the Queens duties but looks like her sisters going to swoop the crown from her, Charlotte just purchased a house. My god, these people use money with no fear." Lola said as she finally drew a close to her unexpected deep dive.

Charlie and Cleo were next in line to have the honour of speaking to the Queen and her children. Cleo remembered all the formal etiquette people should use when addressing a superior, she always thought them foolish as she herself was a princess and never expected anyone to bow to her. Cleo took a deep breath and stepped forward, dropping Charlies hand and curtsied to the Queen.

"Your majesty." Cleo said politely. She hadn't seen her Grandmother in person since she was a baby but her pictures hung in the palace are remarkably alike. Her skin has new wrinkles and her hair is a fairer colour but she appeared to be just as healthy. Her chosen attire was a classy and a one of a kind pearly white gown.

"I love your dress." The young girl in pink said to Cleo. Cleo looked to her newly discovered cousin with a smile. Her mother, Princess Charlotte tutted at her.

"Grace, you do not speak before the Queen." She told her daughter with clear embarrassment for her actions.

"Thank you." Cleo said quietly. "I think you look like a true princess." Grace's mouth grew to a wide smile exposing a small gap where she had lost a tooth, Cleo remembered those small milestones as a kid. Her Mother frowned at her and Grace was quick to close her mouth again, Cleo was becoming more grateful that Madeline shielded her from this type of environment but it made her sad that she had to grow up in it.

"I agree with my Granddaughter, it is a lovely gown." The Queen said with an almost convincing smile, Cleo could see straight through her. "Who is the designer?"

"I'm afraid I don't know. Somebody kindly picked it out for me." Cleo replied.

The Queen laughed straight in Cleo's face. "You come to an formal occasion like this wearing something you don't the label of?" She asked with disbelief, clearly mocking her.

Cleo smiled in a challenging manner laced in her expression . "Well your majesty I prefer to judge things on what they are and not just a name." Cleo said making the hidden meaning clear, they weren't just talking about her green dress.

"Well aren't you youngsters refreshing these days." The Queen replied keeping her voice light and friendly. "What is your name?" She questioned.

"Cleopatra. Cleopatra Valencia." She said confidently with a smile. The Queens face fell, she had not recognised the dark haired strong worded girl by appearance but her name was unmistakable. This was her granddaughter. "Excuse me, I must be going." Cleo said walking away, leaving Charlie to conversate without her. Madeline wore a small smile as her daughter past her. She saw a flash of herself in Cleo in that moment, the girls she used to be, the best version of herself and the only one that was true.

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