Done with leaving her

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Chapter sixty one

"I told you it was pointless." Cleo smugly said to Kai as the doctor left the room. Kai had been stood in the tiny hospital cubical with her throughout the examination. He had a feeling she might try to escape and find her way to Zeus, she could be quite sneaky like that.

"Yeah, well you would have looked stupid if you were wrong, now wouldn't you, Valencia?" He asked, feeling a little more relaxed that apart from the stiches in her eyebrow she was okay.

She hopped off the bed with a narrowed eyed smug smile. "Don't act like you wouldn't have enjoyed it if I were wrong."

"It never hurts." Kai shrugged. "But I don't think your Dad would be pleased if I let you go." He finished, handing her, her smoky ripped jacket. Cleo's smile fell when looked down at the tattered garment. How did she get away so easily? Zeus shouldn't been punished for whatever she did to get on the list. "Here." He said slipping his own jacket off. Cleo stayed still as he draped it around her shoulders. Kai could see how even the smallest things were causing her distress. At least with his jacket she didn't have to inhale the smoke anymore.

"The fumes in here are making my head spin. Let's go." She told Kai, pushing past him. The room was too small for all her dark thoughts.

Cleo wondered down the corridor to a whole new surprise, a bitter sweet one. "Mum?" Cleo questioned, recognising the women even with her back towards her. Madeline turned to see her daughter looking at her worst. She opened her arms and walked closer. Cleo rushed for her Mother's comfort. "What are you doing here?" Cleo asked, in confusion, and concern.

"I'm still under Zeus's emergency contact." Madeline told her pulling away to explain.

Cleo was glad she was here, but she couldn't be selfish. "But, it's not safe." She argued.

"Relax Cleo. I'm staying here, your Mother will be fine." Hade said, coming from the double doors Cleo was strictly banished from.

"Cleo..." Kai called. "Oh, princess Madeline." He greeted in shock. Why was the future Queen here? And why was she dressed so casually? Royals were always in some fancy attire.

"Malakai. Meet my Mum." Cleo introduced, accepting the fact she couldn't wiggle herself out of this situation, nor did she have the energy. Kai flashed Madeline a charming smile, still in utter confusion.

"You two go home. I'll ring you if I hear anything." Hade ordered, defusing the awkwardness in the air. Kai nodded and lightly pulled Cleo to the exit, already knowing she was going to dig her heels in and refuse to leave.

"I'll get her to text you later." Kai promised her parents. They were already worried about one child, they didn't anymore with the other. Hade and Madeline gave Kai an appreciate smile. "So, a princess?" Kai smirked when got in the elevator.

"Don't." Cleo groaned, making him laugh. He would never let this go.

"He seems good for her." Madeline said to Hade with a smile as she watched them in the elevator.

Hade sighed. "I hate to praise the West kid. But yeah, he does." He rested on a plastic chair in the waiting room.

"So much for a big feud." Madeline laughed. "She likes him, but won't admit it. You know she gets her stubbornness from you."

Hade turned his narrowed glare to his one true love. "Excuse me? Cleo is a mini you. Half the stuff she says has come out of you mouth at least once."

Madeline giggled, taking a seat next to him. "I don't doubt that. But she does also gets her strength from you." Hade smiled. "They both do." She said, nudging him. "Zeus will be okay. He's a Valencia."

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