Escape room

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Chapter twenty

"Wow, I didn't think you'd show." Were the first words that left the Asterin boy's mouth when his eyes were graced with the Arcane beauty.

"What a delightful welcome." Cleo replied with narrowed eyes.

She looked up to their grand school that was currently swarmed with teens dressed in every day clothes. Well, their definition of 'every day' Cleo spotted some pearls and smart dress shoes on some of her peers. Compared to her tight fitting outfit, once again she was the outcast.

"Are we going to stand here all night or are we going in?" She asked as she noticed Charlie stood staring at her. He snapped out of his daze and cleared his throat.

"Yes, the escape room, of course. After you." He graciously said stepping back for Cleo to lead.

It was hard to ignore the multiple up and down looks Cleo received walking into the building. It would seem the male population of Asterin Academy didn't see a whole lot of girls dressed in anything other than cardigans and preppy skirts.

"Entry is ten." A stern voice announced while stopping Cleo's stride. She recognised the low entitled voice. She looked up to see Ralph waiting for her entry fee.

"Seriously?" Charlie asked next to Cleo. Ralph's beady eyes never left Cleo.

"I can make it twenty." He threatened. The power he believes he has is thoroughly amusing to Cleo.

Charlie pulled his leather wallet out his pocket and handed Ralph double the amount he demanded.

"Keep the change, buy something pretty." He sarcastically smiled as he barged past him.

Charlie's dominance took Cleo by surprise. She was impressed when he verbally fought against Kai at the base but this added to her initial attraction towards him. "I'm more than capable of paying my entrance fee." The proud girl stated.

"I don't doubt that Cleo. But that was more of a pride thing." She shrugged with a small laugh, alike to herself, Charlie was a proud person, she had observed that he didn't like being sold short.

"With the amount of money we pay for this place I would have assumed this was free." She said.

"Yeah, well Asterin is fortune driven. Money is top priority." Cleo nodded along with his point. Parts of Arcane were similar, but loyalty is was keeps Arcane alive. At least in the Valencia empire.

The line of the escape rooms were slowly dying down while the leader boards of the quickest times racked up. There were three doors. Easy, medium and hard. The last door's leader board was nearly empty. Cleo's actually interest in the nights entertainment was next to nothing but when the top spot caught her eye her competitive side spiked.

'Francesca and Ralph- 20 minutes, 10.'

"I know that face. What's your wild idea?" Charlie sighs putting his drink down.

Cleo turned to him with a scowl. "That's a big accusation. But yes, I do have an idea." She pointed to the board. "We can easily beat their score." Cleo took his grin as him thinking she's crazy. "Call it petty but I'm doing this with or without you." She turned her back but he caught her arm.

"Who said I wasn't in?"

Cleo smiled bigger than she ever had in this school throughout the whole term. "I have no idea what's gotten into you tonight, but keep this Charlie around." She said before grabbing his hand and pulling him to the line.

Charlie's mouth curled to a smile when he looked down at their hands, they fit together so naturally. Disappointment struck when she dropped his.

"Good luck beating our score. It's the best ever recorded." Francesca gloated as her and Ralph approached Cleo and Charlie.

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