It's you!

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Chapter sixty five

Cleo stayed in the same spot for a while. Memories flashed through her mind as she

drove home, but not solely about that heart shattering moment, but about the good times. The times April would come into Cleo's room in the morning, and wait for Lola to join them. All the questions she would ask her when Cleo worked on her car, and the answers that April would never understand. The joy when she opened a birthday present and actually liked the gift, April's family never payed enough attention to her to get a good one. The more Cleo learned about April the more she loved having her around. All it could have taken was not going to the race and they would have never been in each-other's lives. Even though it didn't end in a good way Cleo would be forever grateful that she was blessed to have known the girl, that she called, April Valencia.

The journey home felt entirely different from the drive there. Cleo wasn't anxious or nauseous, she was at peace. She had completed something she didn't think she could bring herself to do. All thanks to her brother and Kai.

Cleo flipped on the lights in the hideout. It appeared she made it back first, or Kai had left again, which she hoped wasn't the case. She threw her keys onto the kitchen table and stepped towards the fridge, when she paused.

"Under the window." She said to herself, remembering Kai's words. She wondered if he

was joking about the birthday gift just to add to her guilt, but when she opened the small cupboard she was proved wrong. Kai was telling the truth, he seemed to do that more often than lie as of recent.

"Let's see what you've got Malakai." She smirked, picking up the black box. She placed it

on the table and opened the lid, to something that can only be as described as breath taking. Cleo stood in shock, her heart skipped a beat but her smile glowed like no other.

A small note rested on top of the emerald green blades.

'Happy birthday, Valencia,

I thought these might come in handy.

From your frenemie, Malakai'

Cleo's hand covered her mouth as she read, she remembered calling Kai her 'frenemie' at best. But now, she wanted to cut out the enemy part and keep the friends. Or until tonight, tonight changed a lot. Cutting friend and enemy out sounded more what she wanted, she wanted more than a friend in Kai. She placed the note aside and picked up one of the emerald blades, leaving the others of the set to rest. They were amazing, a sneaky suspicion told her that he might have asked Lola what ones to buy. However, when she took a closer look she noticed something different. 'Valencia' had been engraved along the sharp edge.

"He's something else." She said. When she thought back to Charlie's gift and Kai saying

it's not 'very her' she thought he was being obnoxious, but now she realised he was right. A sparkling necklace is amazing, but this was something you couldn't pick at any store, this had meaning. Only someone who knew the real Cleopatra would get this, Kai.

Kai knew her!

She looked to the other side of the table, catching a glance of her car keys. Cleo put the blade down, biting her lip, she reached for her keys and bolted to the front door. She headed for her first destination, the place she hoped she would find Kai. She broke all speed limits on her way, the roads felt longer compared to every other time she drove. Thankfully, when she drove up the narrow path, the mischievous, quick mouthed, smug Arcane boy Cleo had despised for years was stood looking at the view.

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