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There is an old saying that all is fair in love and war, but they have always been the same. In the end, love is the worst war. It killed us. It killed both of us.

"I told you I don't play fair, I don't know-how. Besides, it wouldn't have worked out. You have too many soft edges and all of mine are sharp." Vladimir sneers.

I close my eyes tightly and open them, hoping this is just a bad dream and that I will wake up in a cell. It's no dream.

a guard unshackles my collar and removes it off me. they remove Kenji's chains and throw him in the battle area. Vladimir stands in front of me.

"Don't let me down," he says, and I spit in his face. I am thrown to the ground, which is filled with sand. I see a table filled with weapons of all kinds.

how can I fight in a gown?

Kenji and I walk over to the table and each takes a sword. "Do you recall our first conversation? We fought each other with swords." Throughout the memory, he smiles.


"You're not much of a talker, are you?" He murmurs under his breath. It's now my chance to play games, so "let's get this chit chat over with, I'm only here for one thing, and I'm going to get it," I say.

I want his head.

"I'd like to see you try." He smirks at me, wanna play a game Kenji? Two can play.

"You want it rough, huh?"He went into his walk-in closet and emerged seconds later with two swords, and handed me one.

He was smiling. I hated how he showed his perfect teeth, but I couldn't reach him. I'd have to close the distance if I wanted to strike. Kenji was waiting for me to try, so he could step into his range; He didn't fear me.

We stared at one another for a long time – the only motion between us were his tests. He raised his sword or stepped his lead foot up to gauge a reaction. I gave him small reactions.

He was looking me in the eye. I looked him in the chest. I had to stay focused on myself. Mind games would be too risky given my disadvantages. Again, he stepped a foot in but this time more boldly.

end of the flashback.

"How could I have forgotten?" I give him a pained grin and we exchange quiet glances. I want to leap into his arms and hear him tell me it'll be well; I want him to kiss my forehead and tell me we're leaving.

Instead, he takes a step back and stands in the middle of the battleground.

We had intended to battle against the odds, but fate proved to be stronger than any human bond, forcing us to fight each other.

I guess we were destined to destroy each other, like fire and ice.

The gate banged shut behind us, leaving us alone in the arena, surrounded by the thunderous noise of the eager crowd.

Kenji scooped the sword up, the hilts slapping comfortably against his palms, and finally turned his attention to me.

he was now waiting for me in the center of the sandy arena, swathed in a coating of maille from neck to knees. A white coat covered his midsection, stained with dirt and stitched with a red sword beneath a Christian cross of the same color.

I would kill him -- he could imagine no other outcome Either it was supremely confident of my ability, or Kenji simply wanted a spectacle, a passing bloody fancy to occupy an otherwise indolent afternoon.

Tightening my grip on the sword, I approached him. As I closed, Kenji fell into an easy stance, hatchet held ready in front of him, hammer raised behind his head. Kenji adjusted his step, circling to his right -- just outside the reach of the sword swing.

This is something I don't want to do. I'd shouldn't have to fight with my lover.

"We don't have to do this." I say, shaking my head and wandering in circles. "we don't have a choice." He doesn't even look me in the eyes. "I'm sure there's another way," I say.

He takes a step in front of me, and I take a wrong step. I know I'll wait if we fight. He may be more powerful, but I have a strategy and I don't want to win.

I think of Caterina and Valentina and how they won't have someone to rely on once Kenji is gone, and I think of Evelyn and how she always went to Kenji when she was upset about something.

Gaia comes to mind, and how Kenji has always favored her. I think of Isabella and the twins, and how if I killed him, I'd be robbing them of their uncle.

I think of Diana, and how she's now free to see her kid after all these years.

I can't do this to them.

I can't do this to him.

I come to a complete stop in my tracks, and he furrows his brows. The blade is suddenly aimed at my heart, and his eyes widen. "If you get too close, I'll shove it through," I warn.

I turn to Vladimir, who is now sitting on the edge of his chair.

I'd never hesitated to sacrifice anyone to preserve my own life, but for him, I'd willingly give up my own to save his.

They warned me that love was deadly, but who knew that mine would bring me to my doom?

Kenji sprints up to me, and I thrust the sword deep into my chest while staring him down. He catches me in his arms as soon as he reaches me.

"No, no, baby please,"  he says, his voice cracking. As I caress his cheek, I notice blood dripping from my shirt. "I don't have a choice." I keep my voice low.

"I was cold to the world, and the world was cold to me... but not to you. It was different with you. I was warm when I was with you." He shakes his head as I try to speak.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it should've been me." He kisses my brow, then my eyes, and finally my lips. I close my eyes enjoying his touch for one last time.

"Do you mind if I ask you for one last favor?"

"anything."  he says, holding back a sob."Remember the tale you told me about the small Versailles?" He nods when I give him a little smile. I respond, "Bury me there."

"no. Please don't abandon me, Athena." He begs in sorrow as he tries to stop the bleeding by pressing on my wound. That's when the note comes to mind. Before kissing him, I pull out the note and put it against his hand.

"I'm dying in my first love's arms, which is perfect."

"I love you," I begin to murmur, but I choke on my blood as he clings to my body, his hands forcing my hair away.

We entered this life as sworn enemies, and now, even as I take my final breath, a tear falls down my cheek, but not mine, but his.

I was able to catch a glint of love in his eyes before they darkened and he let go of my hand, my heart, my soul.

me and you.

me and you

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