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I'm not going to lay in bed all day sobbing because I was rejected. Yes, it hurt, but I'm not going to let my life be wasted because of a jerk who gave me confusing signals.

I've been quite busy lately. Going to the gym, completing papers, and following Vladimir, I don't have much time for anything else.

We came back from France last night after allying, there was so much tension between me and Kenji but neither of us said anything.

Also, he and Cherie were fucking like beasts last night. I can't say I wasn't hurt, but what did I expect? Is he going to make everything better for me? No way.

"Hi." Evelyn enters my room, I grab my dirty clothes and place them in the basket before sitting down, saying, "hey." I said motioning for her to take a seat.

"How have you been?" she questions, although Evelyn never inquires about my well-being. "why?" I reply, "I heard what happened with you and Kenji," she sighs, with a pitying look on her face.

I hate pity.

"Oh, you mean that? It's nothing." I scoff and wave it away, "Don't lie to me," she retorts severely.

When Kenji rejected me, I didn't cry; in fact, I did everything except cry. I bottle up my feelings. As a result, I feel my throat constricting and tears welling up in my eyes.

"Aw, Athena," she pulls me into a hug and holds me. "I let this man in, I let him in, I don't let people in." Through sobbing, I say.

"Death is no crueler than a broken heart." she sighs.

"Imagine the worst things you think about yourself; now imagine that the one person you love the most in the world not only thinks them but also uses them as reasons to avoid being with you." I wipe away my tears as I stare at her.

I'm never vulnerable. I only cried in front of Kenji once or twice. and now I'm standing in front of Evelyn. I've become frail as a result of my stay here.

"I won't pretend to understand how you feel. But if there's one thing I've learned about you, it's that you never stay down. You get the fuck up again and battle for what you want." She energizes me.

there is only so much pain a person can take till it's game over.

"I know you've been fighting for him for a long time, but now it's time to see if he'll fight for you, okay?" Her statements make sense. They'd always done it. She reminded me of an elder sister I lacked.

"Men will let you down, but alcohol will not," she says, winking at me with a bottle of vodka behind her. "Cheer up!" She gives me a gentle nudge.

I wipe my tears away and laugh as I crack open the bottle and take a long shot. The raw liquid burning down my throat. I give the bottle to Evelyn, who does the same.

"Okay, okay," she hiccups sitting up straight, "it's my turn to ask," we keep shooting shots till we're drunk out of our minds laying on the ground facing each other.

"What's the color of your nipples?" she asks, as the world spins around me, and we both bust out laughing.

"You fucking lunatic," I say while clutching my stomach and laughing so hard that tears stream down my face.

I jump up immediately and rush to the bathroom floor, where I empty my stomach in the WUC, while Evelyn walks over and holds my hair up.

I wipe my mouth sitting back down as Evelyn also starts to puke, once she's done she sits next to me laying her head on my shoulder.

"How are you a Bianchi?" I finally ask her the question that has been hanging in the back of my mind. "I was 3 months old when Diana adopted me." She responds immediately, most likely due to the effects of the drinking.

"Who's Diana?" I inquire, puzzled, and she raises her eyes to me, "Kenji didn't tell you?" I shake my head and she gets up, rubbing her eyes and cleaning her face.

"Who is she?" I ask as she yawns on her way out of the bathroom. "Sorry Athena, but that isn't my story to share," she says after a glance at me. She closes the door behind her with that.


more names to memorize.

more names to memorize

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