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I had never seen a ghost.  But as they say, there is a first time for everything.

She was right there in front of me, looking as stunning as ever. Her long brown hair and light skin make her appear to have never aged.

"Mama?" I croak out, and she smiles at me as she approaches me and bends down to my level. She creases my cheek and says, "My beautiful baby."

"I miss you, Mama, "I say as tears well up in my eyes. "I'm right here, mama is right here, and everything will be fine." She assures me.

"I'm tired, I'm struggling to keep it together, but I promise I'll bring you and papa  justice." "No Ena, taking justice into your own hands is the wrong baby, they should suffer as others did, not be killed," she says, shaking her head. It's a simple way out." She gives me some counsel and then she's gone.

It's been a week since I last saw a human creature; they haven't come in since Vince's incident. They occasionally bring me food, but I never eat it; all I drink is water.

I'm curious if Sebastian is still alive; they can't have killed him yet. I'm not sure how I feel about him; I know he's sorry and everything, but he's never told me why he left, and I doubt he ever will.

He abandoned me and left me all alone, which was a different type of anguish. Yes, it was painful, but I've always been a fighter.

Massimo and Kenji were greeted as the door opened, but Vince was nowhere to be seen. I can't say I blame him.

"Munchkin, get up and shine!" I don't respond to Massimo's cheerfulness. I don't even look up to know they're staring me down.

"Get up." I do not follow Kenji's commands. "Get up or I'll make you" I scoff"I'd like to see you try, dick," I retort looking him straight in the eye.

He takes off my chains and drags me out of the room with my hands tightly behind my back. I don't resist. At least not yet.

I throw my head back, hitting Kenji's nose before kicking him in the balls as he walks me out of the estate. There are four SUVs outside with guards surrounding us. I look over to Massimo, who is already attempting to restrain me.

"Stand down!" exclaims Massimo. I didn't realize he could issue orders with such authority in his voice. I slam my right fist on his cheek and kick his ribs with my right foot. I start running in the opposite direction.

I turn around to make sure no one is following me, only to be greeted with a fortunate chest, Vince. Before injecting me with a syringe, he doesn't give me a chance to respond; I try to flee, but I'm lightheaded "easy now." He says Before everything goes black.

Am I dead?

I feel like I'm flying.

Everything feels so soft.

I'm probably in heaven.

Pfft heaven? I'm sure Satan is coming to greet me any minute now.


How am I talking to myself?

"What did you inject her with?" A squeaky voice asks, "anesthesia." Another voice replies.

"How much of it?" "I don't fucking know Massimo," he says again. I just used whatever I had on hand to inject her." Vince responded.

"DID YOU NOT MEASURE IT?" "You know it could kill her right?" he yells, god he's loud. "I'm aware of that, and I don't give a damn," Vince says.

Well, that's rude.

My eyes flutter open and my head begins to pound; I was still shackled in another cell on the ground. Who the fuck changed my clothes.

"Which of your bastards changed my clothes?" I asked, the three musketeers were standing right in front of me, unaware that I was fully awake now. "I swear to God, if you touch me again, I'll make sure you don't have an arm." I hiss.

"Yeah, you all bark but you don't bite."Vince waves me off, "Why don't you come a little closer and I'll show you the difference between barking and biting," I smile wickedly at him.

"How long have I been out for?"I ask to no one in particular, "2days," Massimo Responds. "makes sense." I sigh "Thanks to Vince, the anesthetic wasn't measured." I give Vince a cold stare.

"Enough of you two." "The three of us agreed to a deal, you will work for us, and we will not murder you," Kenji demands What did he say?

"Sorry, repeat that?" I said with a laugh. For a brief second, I mistook you for someone who suggested I work for you." They all stared at me blankly "Oh, you're serious? No can do buddy." I shrug.

"You don't have a choice; you have to work for me or die." He retorts "Kill me then, what are you waiting for?". To work with someone like you, I'd rather die."

"I'll take care of it."Massimo squeezes Kenji's shoulder. "Bosswomen, we know who your next victim is, We also know you won't be able to reach him without our assistance, and your pal Sebastian will die if you don't, so that wouldn't be so nice, now would it?" he asks sheepishly.

Vladimir Oblast.
I was supposed to kill him.

"Killing Sebastian does not affect me," I say confidently. "Really? So, how about learning the real reason for your parents' deaths?" He says.

There is no way my parents were involved with the mafia.

"You're lying ." I accuse him. "am I now?" Do you believe your parents trained you for nothing, Athena? Why were you locked up half the time instead of living a normal life?"

How did he figure that out?

I need answers.

"Okay." I agree they were all taken aback by my response, and Massimo was the only one who smiled. "All right, we'll talk about the rest later; for now, Massimo will show you to your room." Kenji gave the order.


"We're going to be best friends!" Massimo says as he helps me up and straps his gun around his waist, making sure to show me not to try to be clever.

I doubt that.

I doubt that

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