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It's been a month since I arrived at the estate, and it turns out we're in Italy. I'm not sure how I didn't realize it from the start; I was probably too preoccupied with battling Kenji or training.

I became accustomed to staying here, and my daily routine remained consistent. I go to bed, wake up with the locks changed, climb out the window, fight with Kenji, and Massimo annoys me. I don't see Vince very often, but when I do, we always spar.

He might be my favorite person here because he keeps to himself. I've also discovered that he prefers to be alone and doesn't trust easily, which makes the two of us.

Our first goal was to kidnap Vladimir's younger son. Liam, and it isn't going to be simple. After all, he is Vladimir's son, one of the world's mighty villains.

Today was our first mission, and when we got Liam, Kenji promised to tell me the exact reason for my parents' deaths. But it doesn't mean I'm off the hook just yet.

When I'm on a mission, I usually wear either a dress to seduce or just sweatpants and a hoodie since it's comfier. Massimo, on the other hand, stated I had to wear a suit for safety reasons and that it would make me look like a baddie; he sounded girlier than I did.

I dressed up as Black Widow in a white suit with a couple of holes for my guns and blades. My go-to personality. She encouraged me to be the person I am today and to refuse to take crap from anyone.

I braid my hair in a fishtail style to keep it out of the way while I take lives; I don't wear makeup since I'm sure I'll sweat. I rarely, if ever, look in the mirror. I try to stay away from it.

I take up my weapons and prepare to fight. Rifle, M1911 pistol, and, of course, my swords. When I'm finished, I go downstairs to meet up with the rest of the group to discuss the strategy.

I proceed to the conference room. I knock twice before entering and seeing half the guards inside, as well as Massimo, Kenji, and Vince discussing the plan.

Couldn't they wait for me?

"Has Ms.Vlad finally decided to join us?" Everyone snickers when Kenji says something cynically. "Unlike you, Mr. Bianchi, I have other responsibilities." With a fake smile, I answer.

As I make my way to take a seat, I feel something hit my butt, and laughing reverberates throughout the room; I know he didn't merely smack my ass.

When I turn around, I see the guy who slapped my butt; he has no idea who I am, does he? A gunshot startles us all, and blood all over my face, just as I was ready to slit his throat wide open.

I turn to see a bullet go straight through the guy's head, and his body falls limp to the ground. I turn back to see Kenji's nostrils flare with rage as he clutches the gun.

I was going to say anything when he silenced me with his hand. "You will not be disrespectful to Ms.Vlad; she now works for us. So, if you even consider pestering her or touching her, I'll make sure you don't recall the milk your mother gave you." He makes a demand. "UNDERSTAND?" He yells, and everyone nods.

I could've defended myself.

I made a mental note to thank him later.

"Group A will wait outside in case we need support, Group B will follow us in, and Group C will enter from the back." "Vince, you go with Massimo, Athena, you go with me," he clarifies. Oh my god, fuck me.

"I can accompany Massimo."I propose "No boss women, I wish to be alone," He winks at me and mouths, 'Get fucked.' "All right, now that that's settled, let's get going; we can't afford to waste any more time." Kenji forcefully interrupts us.

Massimo goes with Vince, while I go with Kenji, and we all get into different SUVs. Kenji had a persistent scowl on his face for the first half of the ride since it was so tense.

"You know your face will get stuck if you keep scowling like that." I try to lighten the situation, but he doesn't laugh, and his only response is a deathly glare.

"Why did you want to ride with Massimo?" he asks after a few minutes. "because I want to."I shrug "Are you fucking him?" he says disgustedly "And what if I am?"I furrow my brows.

"You better not ." I think he meant it for himself to hear but unfortunately, I did. I sigh, not wanting to get into a fight with him, I should concentrate on meditating before we arrive.

 I sigh, not wanting to get into a fight with him, I should concentrate on meditating before we arrive

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