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You woke up in an unfamiliar place. White walls, a tilted bed, something jabbed in your arm - it was reasonable to conclude you were in a hospital. Nonetheless, you felt like garbage - both physically and mentally. Though you weren't fond of the environment, you wonder how much worse you would feel if you weren't properly bandaged up like you were now.

"Miss L/n?" A feminine voice called from the edge of your bed. You didn't even notice there was someone in your room until now as your gaze weakly followed her. She was a young lady with shorter brown hair and a beauty mark. She felt familiar, but you couldn't quite put a finger on it. You've probably seen her in passing. "My name is Shoko. Would it be ok if I did some blood work on you?"

You nodded. "Please, go ahead." Bowing your head to her, you briefly closed your eyes. "Shoko right? I can't help but feel you look familiar."

"Oh do I?" She let off a soft chuckle. "I get that a lot. But no, I do not believe we have met. How are you feeling today, Miss L/n?"

"In a little pain, but nothing too too bad." As you sighed out your admittance, you tilted your head back up. "Nothing I can't handle."

With a gentle smile, the nurse lightly grabbed your arm and started prepping it. First, wiping it down with a sanitizing cloth. "I'm glad. You seem to be recovering. Though the bruises will naturally heal, we've been keeping a closer look at your head."

Your head...? "What's wrong with my head? I-I'm fine, right?" What was she insinuating? How would she know?

"Nothing serious," Shoko confirmed. "It just needs a bit of monitoring. It seems you've suffered from some trauma."

No - this can't be. You don't have trauma. You're perfectly fine... you have to be. And so you tried your best to convince yourself you're fine. You're perfectly fine. You'll be out of here in no time, and then...

...and then what? Where could you go? You didn't have a home anymore, you didn't have your phone to even call your parents. How the hell are you going to pay for these medical bills anyways?

"You seem a bit concerned, but I promise you it's not that bad." Shoko frowned, poking her head up as she gently held onto your wrist. Wiping the inside of your arm down, she begun to prep a spot for the needle. "Just a concussion."

You let off a soft sigh of relief, though the relief was short lived. There was nothing wrong with you per say, but the concern was still there. When you leave this hospital, what will be waiting for you on the other side?

... will you have to face him?


Shoko left your hospital room with her small cart carrying an aneroid monitor, some screens, and a vial of your blood. She was on her way to get it tested. But before she could make it far, she stuck her arm out to block the door. It seems someone was a little more impatient than she was. "Hold on Satoru, we still don't know how she'll react."

"Tsk," the white haired detective scoffed, decisively blocked by Shoko's quick reflexes. In his hands was a bouquet of red gerbera daisies which were freshly picked, daisies that lost a few petals to Shoko's sudden action. "You talked to her and she was fine, right? She probably just needed some rest. It's not like you've diagnosed h-"

"Satoru, how many times do I have to explain this to you?" Shoko frowned. "One. I'm a nurse, not a psychiatrist. Secondly even if I was a psychiatrist, Stockholm syndrome isn't something diagnosed." The woman moved her hand back to gently run her fingers through her hair. "What I can say for sure is that she is suffering from several head traumas. Though I can diagnose the concussion, I'm not stupid enough to not notice she's taken a mental beating too. This Y/n isn't the one you brought to the party Satoru."

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