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A soft groan left your lips as your eyes adjusted to your surroundings. Though you were unsure of many things, you knew one thing was for certain. You felt awful.

Tilting your gaze to the side, you see a lump of blankets piled on the floor. Wait... was Satoru under those blankets? This was his couch, you were on his couch. He must've put you here to rest. You wouldn't be surprised if the drowsy detective stayed by your side all night before eventually drifting off into a sleep of his own.

What time was it?

You tried to look at the clock, but you harboured a soft sneeze instead. This was the gesture that seemed to wake the buried detective.

"Ah..." Satoru groaned, rubbing his eyes as the lump of blankets fell from his torso. "Y/n, you're awake. How are you feeling?"

"Not too great," you admitted, tugging at the rim of your shirt to better ventilate your body. You were warm. Though it could be blamed on the blankets draped over you, the blankets were way too light to contribute much heat. "It seems to have developed into a nasty head cold..."

A faint sniffle came from your nose.

"Seems like it," Satoru chuckled, turning his body to reach for his phone placed on the coffee table. "Let's see here... it's 5:32. Nanami? He texted me an hour ago?"

An hour ago? At 4:30 in the morning? "What does Nanami have to tell you at 4 in the morning?" You question, investigating the white haired detectives features as he unlocked his phone to check. His eyes delicately scrolled over his screen, until... they paused? His sunken features paled substantially. What did Nanami send Satoru that could make him have this reaction?

"Sa...toru?" You called out, finally sitting up. Quivering with worry, your eyes continued to stay planted on Satoru's silhouette, a silhouette that was frozen in place.

After a moment of stale air between the two, Satoru finally found the strength to open his mouth. "Y/n."


Whatever it was, Satoru was deep in thought. It took him a moment longer to formulate his words, staring at his phone as if to process the data. He looked back as you, a certain air of grimness tainting the air. "There's been a new development with the case."

"What happened?" You asked, a little too intently. Your body jerked, pressing your hands down on your thighs in anticipation of the news.

"On the Hudson. A cargo shipment of illegal supplies was found." The male closed his phone, placing it back on the table as his head tilted to face the ground.

"It was... found?" You questioned, processing the intel. Wouldn't that be a good thing? "Does that mean the NYPD has all the goods in custody?"


Satoru briefly paused, glancing back up at you before closing his eyes. He fidgeted with the fabric of the blankets that were rested on his lap. "The shipment... was set on fire before reaching its destination. All passengers and most of the cargo is lost at sea. This was an inside job."

"What..." you muttered under your breath, scratching your head in thought. "But why would they burn their own shipment? Did they suspect they'd be caught docking on the harbour? But even so, burning seems excessive."

"Maybe," Satoru hummed in thought, still unsettled by the whole ordeal. "... maybe they didn't want where they dock to be known. With that excessive show, it's possible higher ranked criminals may of been in the area. They wouldn't burn that large of a supply to cover up for anything small. I don't like this at all," Satoru grumbled to himself, placing his hand on his forehead. "We were walking down 42nd street... we were near the harbour. If higher ranked criminals were in the area-"

𝙿𝚁𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴 𝙴𝚈𝙴  | Jujutsu Kaisen | SATORU GOJO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now