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It didn't take too long for you both to leave for your apartment. After all, you needed to change into more appropriate clothes for tonight at the Ryo. However, as you entered, the security alarm went off. Mildly annoyed, you glance at the new device on your wall, typing in the access code. "Right, right..."

That's something you needed to get used to doing every time you entered your unit now. It was a bit annoying, but you guess Gojo was well intentioned.

Speaking of Gojo, the male plopped on your couch without warning. You both have grown quite comfortable around each other - no wait, scratch that. You've gotten used to Satoru's carefree behaviour around you over the past few days of interactions. You'd normally scold him for entering without an invite nor taking off his jacket, but you knew his behaviour wouldn't change no matter what you'd say so you just brushed it off instead.

Gently closing the door behind you after the alarm was neutralized, you walked towards your room to change. What do you wear...? Well, you weren't quite sure what this was, anyways. Was it a date after all? You did say you wanted to figure out your feelings first, and if this was an official date it would surely help. If it was a date, you should probably wear a dress.

But, you didn't tell him it was a date. As far as he was aware you were just planning to hang out like friends or co-workers after a long day of work... which you were. Then you should just wear jeans and a nice top. Could you compromise with a skirt? No, your skirts were all above the knee slim fits, a little too formal for a night out at the bar. You sighed.

At the end of the day, you decided on a nice pair of jeans and a cute top. You didn't want to give Satoru the wrong impression, especially with how forward he has been the past few days. Maybe you'll wear a dress another day.

"Y/n~," Satoru hummed as he sprawled himself out on your couch. "Can I pick out your outfit for tonight?"

You turn your head to the couch the male had claimed with your brows furrowed. "Why do you want to pick out my outfit?"

The male let out a soft groan as he sat himself up, poking up his head from behind the back of the couch. "We have some time to kill, Red. I wanna see what type of clothes you have. And besides," he winked, "I do have good eyes. You know I'll pick out something beautiful for you."

You quickly turned away from the male, moving your gaze to your bedroom door. "This isn't a date, Satoru..."

Since you weren't paying attention to him, you didn't see the male had gotten up from the couch. So, you were a bit startled when you felt his hand rest on your right shoulder. However, you were able to compose yourself by the time the male placed his chin on your other shoulder, his lips only inches away from your delicate ear. "Does it have to be a date for me to want you to look beautiful?"

You pressed you lips together, reluctantly opening your bedroom door. "F-fine." Though you kept your face turned away from the detective, he didn't need to see your face to know it was pitch red.

Nonetheless, the male progressed into the confines of your room with little regard for privacy. Before you could realize, he opened your closet. "H-hey Satoru don't-"

But it was too late. The detective was already going through everything that was neatly hung up. "What a formal wardrobe... oh?"

"Satoru get out of my-!"

"Oh..." his lips curled into a mischievous smirk. The one thing you didn't want Satoru to see was before his very eyes. "When'd you pick this up, Red?"

𝙿𝚁𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴 𝙴𝚈𝙴  | Jujutsu Kaisen | SATORU GOJO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now