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"You know," Satoru growled, kicking his feet up on the bar counter. In his hand was a chilled glass of bourbon... or, was. The bourbon was long gone at this point, and so was he. "I'm just here for a chat. It's been a long while since we've done that, eh Sukuna?"

Sukuna was clearly unamused by his high-school friends' coping mechanism. "Don't you remember the last time you came here alone, what became of the apartment afterwards? Did you even eat before you decided to turn up here?"

"T-that's besides the point," the white haired detective hiccuped as the glass dropped onto the counter beside a row of a few empty glasses. "I'll have another-"

"I'm cutting you off," Sukuna scowled, quickly picking up the glasses as he ran them under the sink. Drying it with a washcloth, he rolled his eyes. "I already have enough baggage to carry home tonight."

"Baggage huh? *hic*"Gojo frowned, lifting up his head. It was clear he wasn't in the right state of mind, from both his sluggish movements and the red tint on his cheeks. "W-what is it you even do, Ryomen? You're a bartender, right?"

"Bar Owner," Sukuna corrected, trying to divert his attention from the drunken male. Grabbing a bottle of grenadine, he started rationing a tequila sunrise for a different - sober - customer. "What of it? You've never been interested in my life before."

"I just *hic*, have a bit of free time now *hic*..."

Finishing up the sunrise, Sukuna slid it to the patron before turning back to the white haired male. "Come on, I'm taking you home."


Before the drunken male could fully protest, Sukuna had already walked around the counter, wrapping Satoru's arm around his neck. With the detective secure, he lifted Satoru out of the bar without much resistance. Though he was drunk, even he knew when it was time to leave.


"You never cease to amaze me with how much of a lightweight you are." Sukuna grumbled, as the white haired detectives arm was lazily wrapped around his neck. The streets of Manhattan were a tad foggy, the neon lights gently lighting the sidewalk before them... it seems it was bound to rain in a few days. "It's been a while since I've seen you this drunk... not since-"

"Suguru," The detective hiccuped, nearly tripping over his feet, but quickly able to catch his balance holding onto his muscular friend. "N-not since Suguru... say, Sukuna... how many years has that been?"

The bar owner was surprised at the careless mention of the detectives old best friend. Typically, Satoru has been reserved about his relationships with the dead... the alcohol must be doing a number on him. The two acquaintances waited momentarily for their pedestrian cue to cross the street. "6 years, maybe?" Sukuna frowned, "I don't keep track of that type of shit."

"6 years, huh." Satoru hummed, taking a whiff of the humid air. "It's been that long already? Time flies when you're busy, I guess. Case after case... after case. I've barely kept up with what our high-school friends have been up to since. Utahime, Mei Mei, Shoko, hell even Yaga. I barely even know what you do, Ryoumen."

"I told you," Sukuna frowned, shifting the detective upwards after Satoru carelessly hunched over. "Bar Owner. Opened it four years back, though you didn't bother showing up to the grand opening. Can't believe your first time here was you moping and getting drunk off of three drinks."

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