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"Y/n!" You were sitting alone in the lunchroom, patiently waiting for the microwave to be available so you could heat up your food as you heard your name. It was a familiar voice...

"Yuji?" Your head turned to see the boy standing above you, a bright smile plating his cheeks.

"Glad I caught you before you started eating! I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to come grab some lunch with me?" He paused before frantically adding, "of course I'll pay for yours since I'm asking and a-"

Before Yuji could finish, you let off a soft snort. "Of course Yuji! I'd love to come grab some lunch with you. I still owe you some more time after I had to cut the date short last night, after all."

Yuji returned your reassurance with a chuckle. "I don't want that to be the only reason you'll tag along, Y/n. I'll just pretend you really want that second date, then?"

Slowly getting up from the wooden table, you met the boys soft gaze as your hand delicately hung on his shoulder. "You don't have to pretend, Yuji." This instantly turned the naive detectives face pipe red, which earned a soft chuckle from you. It was a really cute moment you both shared, until...

"I can get you both a room if you need!"

Out of nowhere, Satoru chimed in from across the lunchroom. Right, right. Your act was open for the whole floor to see, how embarrassing!

Similarly to the hardheaded detective, your face reddened, earning a chuckle from the rest of your colleagues who were occupying the lunch room.


The two flustered detectives make their way down the street to a small lunch specialty cafe.

"So... everyone knows, I guess..." Yuji finally chimed in, in an awkward manner as he held the back of his head.

"Yeah... that's my fault," you trailed off discontentedly opening the door to the cafe, a small jingle welcoming the both of you. "Satoru overheard me talking to you on the phone. Keeping a relationship hidden from an onslaught of detectives would've been impossible, anyways."

"Even Sir Nanami mentioned it to me today," Yuji groaned, his face slightly blushed as he walked in after you. He was sure to divert all eye contact, but to be honest you don't blame him. If Sir Gojo started to mention it on the offhand, you wouldn't know where to begin to process that embarrassment. Nonetheless...

"Sir Nanami mentioned it?" The revelation shocked you momentarily, "I would think he'd be the type to keep out of other peoples business. Did you do something to make him him mention it?"

"I was kinda zoning out." the pink haired male admitted sheepishly. "Then he told me to quit thinking about my girlfriend. Maan was that embarrassing... in front of the whole floor, too!"

Mildly amused by Yuji's retelling, a waitress came by to do her due diligence. "Table for two?" The two detectives nodded. "Right this way." Following the waitress to a table, you decided to resume the conversation.


Yuji raised his eyebrows at you. "What?"

"Were you thinking of me?"

Yuji's face got red once again. "I-..."

You sat across from the flustered boy. You couldn't help but to smile at his reactions... yes, he was really cute. A very soft boy. But... Were you endangering him just by being here? The sudden guilt piled over you like a tonne of bricks. Though the hardheaded detective wasn't the best at reading people, this was too noticeable for him not to comment on.

𝙿𝚁𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴 𝙴𝚈𝙴  | Jujutsu Kaisen | SATORU GOJO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now