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You tried your best to compose yourself before walking out of Satoru's office. That asshole, how dare he leave you like that.

No matter your feelings, you still had work to do. In your hands were the files of the old case that you needed to put back into the filing cabinet for a new detective to take on, which may take a while due to the sheer volume. You couldn't help but speculate in the meantime... if not Satoru Gojo himself, who the hell would be capable of taking this task on? Even when you agreed to it when negotiating your contract, you knew this case was going to take a while, a few terms here at least. But now it's out of your hands. You don't have to worry about it... it's over. It's someone else's problem.

You sat in your own thoughts for a moment longer before you heard a familliar voice behind you. "Y/n-!" Your heart sank. Turning around, your gaze was met by the familiar brown eyes of the pink haired detective. Though you had to talk to him eventually, you still felt ill prepared.

"Good morning Yuji!" you tried to initiate a conversation with the boy, a forced smile plating your cheeks. You were incredibly tense... a feature the young detective seemed to notice.

Though he tried to mask it, you saw a brief flash of pain etch his features. "Yes... good morning, Y/n..."

The two stood akwardly in the middle of the hallway, before you tried to fill the silence once again. "Yuji... I, I think we need to have a-"

"I know."

The males response caught you off guard. Could he feel something was up?

"You and Gojo, right?" He asked, nervously scratching the back of his head. We're you two really that obvious? Wait no, scratch that thought. Was he really that obvious? You guess Satoru's been rather touchy with you around the office the past little bit.

Nonetheless you gently nodded, confirming the detectives suspicion. " Yuji..." you muttered, at a loss for words. You didn't want to hurt the poor boy, so you had to read your words cautiously. "... I'd love if we can still be friends."

The two detectives had made their way into an empty room which is usually used for client testimonies or case alibi's. Nonetheless, the irony of the matter was not lost, as the private eye would go on to confess her heart to the pink haired boy... a testimony in itself. An awkward air persisted between the two of you, not even allowing for a single glance to be exchanged. You sat down, your eyes focused on the frail wooden table as you nervously fiddled with your thumbs. Oh how much you'd kill for a cigar right about now.

With the change of scenery, the conversation resumed. "Of course I want to be friends with you, Y/n," Yuji smiled weakly as he took the seat besides you. "I want you to be happy... and I want you to be safe."

Your face glows a little red as you felt Yuji's gaze shift onto you... precisely on your neck. That Satoru-

"I-it's not like that-" you blurted out, but you knew it was exactly like that. You quickly moved your hands up to cover your neck. "I-... He's-"

Despite your nervous stutters, Yuji let off a soft chuckle, scratching the back of his neck. "You've always been such a strong woman, I'd have never thought you'd be flustered this easily. I guess Gojo really got to you, huh?" You felt Yuji's embrace around you, wrapping his hand to rest on your shoulder. "Are you happy with him, Y/n?"

Your teeth clenched, tensing your figure as your hands balled into fists. "If he didn't leave me alone I'd be-"

"He left you alone?" There was a particular emphasis on the word alone that unsettled you. Why was Yuji so shocked about that? Did Yuji not expect Gojo to leave you alone for some reason? Did he... know something? "Where's he now?"

𝙿𝚁𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴 𝙴𝚈𝙴  | Jujutsu Kaisen | SATORU GOJO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now