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Thursday came and went rather quickly. At the beginning of the day, Satoru had dropped you off at work before heading off to your place to move everything. You were sad that you couldn't have a proper send off for your old place and you felt bad that Satoru was doing all the moving himself, but you didn't feel comfortable with skipping work. After all, you were an employee working at GDF. Even if you were directly under Satoru Gojo himself, you didn't want any implication that you had special treatment because of it.

It seemed like Satoru pulled you off the Kamo case in the middle of it all. Though you were listed as the sole investigator before, the case had changed possession to Satoru Gojo alone. This meant you couldn't access the case at work without him there. You didn't know how or when Satoru would of been able to do this, but you weren't surprised by this outcome in the slightest. Without the Kamo case, you weren't registered under any particular case file. To avoid spending your day as a deadweight, you found yourself working on your old case with Sir Nanami and Yuji. If you were no longer on the Kamo case, was Satoru going to put you on the crime group case sooner? You had many questions for the male, but no matter how many times you called him throughout the day he wouldn't pick up to answer.

Satoru had apparently asked Nanami to drive you to his Jersey home after work. Since it was out of the way for Nanami you felt really bad about it. Nonetheless, he'd continue to reassure you it wasn't a hassle for him. When you eventually arrived the security guard interrogated Nanami, but was let through as soon as he mentioned your name. Before long you were finally back at the house, sending Nanami off with a subtle wave. There goes your last ounce of normalcy before taking foot inside the monstrous mansion once more.

Walking inside, you were greeted by the massive lobby, an area you didn't have much time to familiarize yourself with after Satoru's impulses directed you away last night. The more you stared, the more you fell in awe with all the details. The carved trimming on the walls, the wide open tile floor, the two spiral staircases leading up to a balcony on the second floor... had you of not known this was Satoru's house, you would've assumed it was a ballroom or an opera house. If this was the size of the room, you couldn't help but wonder how many people were coming over tomorrow.

You lost track of how long you were staring. Nonetheless, reality would come flooding back to you as you felt a sudden feeling on your lower back - a sensation that startled you. Turning around you were met with a familiar icy blue gaze. "S-Satoru, you're back?" Though you were still collecting yourself, you couldn't help let some relief leave your lips after seeing the dumb smirk plastered on his face.

"Is my little Red making herself comfortable?" Satoru hummed, twirling you around before pulling you into his chest.

Taking in a deep breath, you tilt your gaze upwards to meet his as you held the fabric of his loose white dress shirt in your palms. "As comfortable as I can be, Satoru..."

Letting off a soft chuckle, he brushed a few strands of hair off of your face before his glasses tilted downwards. "Well, hopefully you can be a little more comfortable while I'm around. I'll be here for the rest of the day with you... we just finished moving the rest of your stuff in."

The rest...? That was a strange way of wording it. Did they have to make two trips? You shouldn't have had that much stuff to move. Nonetheless, the detective would cut off your thoughts as he grabbed you by the hand to move you elsewhere.

"Where are we going?" You asked in mild confusion. He wasn't being open, but this seemed to be intentional. A hint of excitement laced his steps which seemed to pacify your curiosity for now. Whatever it was... Satoru would give you the answers soon enough.

𝙿𝚁𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴 𝙴𝚈𝙴  | Jujutsu Kaisen | SATORU GOJO X READERWhere stories live. Discover now