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"It's the only thing that would make sense given your actions. To target myself and his former apprentice Riko." You made your conclusions reluctantly, picking up your water to fill the awkward air.

"Miss Y/n," Suguru carefully rested his head on his curled up hand as his eyes softly looked up to yours. They carried a certain spark. "If I wanted an apprentice, why did I target you and Riko in particular? Why didn't I go after anyone else... say, Itadori Yuji. Or Megumi Fushiguro."

You bit your lip. He probably knows their significance to you. He definitely wanted you to be aware of that. Nonetheless, you could only come up with a simple explanation.

"There are two things you look for in an apprentice," you continued, taking a sip of water. "Intellect and influence. Itadori wouldn't be intellectual enough - he's always been average academically. Though Megumi has the appropriate intellect for your taste, he has a reason for being a detective - spite against his family. You wouldn't be able to influence him."

Placing the water back down on the table, you gritted your teeth. "The past four days were nothing more than a test to see if I would fit your requirements... no, it wasn't just these past four days. Even before this you've been manipulating me to trust you-"

As you stood from your seat in frustration, you felt something... the barrel of Suguru's gun placed against your forehead. You figured he was armed, but it seems his reflexes outmatched you.

Chuckling weakly, you looked up at it as the cold steel pierce through your skin. "Was I wrong...?"


Suguru's command was absolute enough for you to follow his order. Perhaps it was the tone of his voice or the tense atmosphere, but you didn't feel testing your luck was wise. And here you were moments ago fine with death. Like the old Arabic saying goes - throw yourself into a river and you'll find yourself fighting to survive. It couldn't be more true for you now.

To your discomfort, Suguru smirked. "See? I told you it wasn't difficult. And you didn't even use your permitted question... it's a shame talent like you had to doubt yourself."

So... you got it?

Your body started to tremble. Sure you'd live to see another day, but his reaction time was beyond you. He didn't hesitate to put that gun against your forehead at all. Is this truly the best outcome?

Nonetheless, your nerves weren't lost in the eyes of the male before you. As he slid his gun into his coat once more, he took out his box of cigars in its place. "Take one."

And so you did. Lighting the tip in the open candle flame, you put it between your lips. It did help ease you a bit, but you couldn't shake off your nerves entirely. If you try to escape he'll hunt you down personally right? Though he threatened you before, the weight of it didn't sink in until now. You can't run from him.

"So what do you say?" He hummed, putting a cigarette between his own lips. "To be my apprentice. Do you accept?"

Though you were afraid of him, you didn't want to be manipulated - especially after the accusation that he goes after impressionable people. You can't escape... but that doesn't mean you have to fall into his hand either. You will not give him what he wants.

"I refuse," you frowned, blowing out some smoke. Your nerves were close to normalizing, but still held some remnants of the previous disturbance. "I don't work for you, I work for Satoru. If you took me as someone who would go behind his back you're sadly mistaken."

Though, this didn't bring about the reaction you expected. He was smiling.

Furrowing your brow at him, you tapped your cigarette in the ash tray before you. "What?"

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