Chapter 45

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(y/n) POV:

"We have to get up eventually." I chuckled to Anakin who had his arm wrapped securely around my waist as I laid comfortably on top of him. My head rested on his chest, my ear against the comforting sound of his soft heartbeat.

We completely disregarded our sole priorities for a little while, and took that time to rekindle the physical part of our relationship.

Our bodies became one, and our hearts finally matched the tune of the other. It was perfect. The sun shining down above us seemed to shine brighter with each passing second. And every glimmering mineral in the large, hollow portion of the cave sparkled more scintillatingly than any star I've ever seen. Everything is brighter for the first time in a long time; at last, we're happier.

I don't know how much time had passed, maybe a full night. But the bright light from the opening above tells me that it must be dawn now. We were both exhausted anyways when we found each other, and my bruised and bloody elbow needed rest and more bacta gel which I thankfully had on hand, so I was able to bandage it up as it healed.

"Or we could stay here forever." He suggested with a hopeful smile, tightening his arm around me.

Despite his content aura, I knew he was afraid to leave our current paradise and face our harsh reality. I am as well, but we're so close to putting an end to this madness once and for all. And I've finally figured out the true meaning to our convoluted prophecy.

I lifted myself up slightly, placing my arms on either side of him. "Anakin, you know we have to go." I reminded him in a soft tone.

He averted his gaze from mine. "Yeah, I know." He grumbled and closed his eyes, causing my heart to ache. I know that's something he only does when he tries to hide his hurt.

"Oh, baby." I soothed. "I promise everything will be okay." I assured him, and myself as well. I still didn't have a full proof plan, which is only part of the reason as to why we need to get going.

"I don't want to lose you again." He whispered. "I can't lose you again." He spoke like his heart would be permanently shattered if something dire happened to me.

I cupped his cheek in my hand so he would look at me again, and rubbed my thumb gently against his cheekbone, "Do you know just how endearing you are?" I murmured, feeling warmth in my chest to know he cares so much about me.

He grinned up at me and shrugged, "It's all apart of my charm."

I leaned down slowly and kissed him, again and again, wishing I could do it forever. Kissing him feels so safe, like it's the most gentle way we can show our affection for each other. He whimpered quietly beneath me and brought his hands up to my face, pulling me down further to create as little distance as possible.

Using all of my willpower, I reluctantly pulled away, and tried to not focus on Anakin's dejected expression. "So," I carefully got up off of him and stood up, "How do we get out of here?"

He let out a sharp laugh, "I was going to figure that out until you tackled me yesterday." He smirked, embellishing the story of our encounter.

I shook my head amusedly and continued to survey our rocky surroundings. The wind from above whistled softly around each midnight blue stone. Speleothems stuck out upwards sharply from where they were rooted to the ground. Echoes rustled as each fallen detritus found its place upon the cold floor. Stalagmites hung in every direction except for the large clearing above us, which splayed beaming daylight in every crevice of dolomite and limestone, glittering vivid platinum rays.

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