Chapter 1

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Before we get this party started, I wanna say that this story is purely for fun and not everything will be accurate in terms of the Star Wars Universe.

Edit from future me: And for those of you who decide to read this, I feel like I should say that this is my first story, so don't expect perfection haha. But I promise it gets better as it goes on :) Enjoy!

(y/n) POV:

"Anakin watch out!" I yelled while fighting off battle droids that were shooting at me with their blasters.

Just in time, Anakin heard my warning and dodged a dangerous blow from General Grievous's lightsabers. They both repeatedly swung at and dodged each other, unable to gain the upper hand over the other. Anakin ran in a taunting circle, probably trying to tire Grievous out, though it didn't really work.

The senate building in Coruscant was under attack by Grievous and his battle droids, who were attempting to assassinate the Chancellor. The Jedi were luckily able to save him from any incoming attacks, but now we had to make sure it stayed that way and eliminate the rest of the threats.

After finishing off the last of the battle droids with my lightsaber, I ran over to join Anakin. When I came into view, he glared at me while backing away from Grievous.

"(y/n) what took you so long?"

I ran to his side and got in a fighting stance. "Hey, I was fighting the battle droids!" I said defensively.

"Well you sure took your sweet time with that." He said the last part through gritted teeth, because Grievous swung both his lightsabers at us which we blocked with ours.

"Jedi scum! I will destroy all of you!" He swung at us again, only this time he slashed my left leg which caused me to cry out in pain and fall backwards, hitting the back of my head in the process. All of the wind was knocked out of me and I inhaled, desperately trying to regain all the air I lost. I lifted my head and saw Grievous walking menacingly towards me, ready to finish what he started. I panted and desperately looked around for Anakin, but I couldn't see him anywhere. I winced at my now bleeding leg and looked up, frozen in fear. Just as Grievous was getting ready to strike me again, I saw a blue lightsaber go straight through his side.

I gasped and watched with wide eyes as he fell to the side while groaning in pain, and revealing Anakin standing behind him, lightsaber in hand. His eyes full of pure rage as he stared down at the cyborg. I could feel myself start to tremble; the fact that I was practically a second away from death really frightened me.

"(y/n) are you okay? (y/n)!" Anakin kneeled beside me and gently shook my shoulders to get my attention. I looked at his concerned gaze on me, my vision was blurry and my ears were ringing. I felt dazed and fatigued at the same time, and my head was pounding from the great impact so all I could do was slightly nod at him.

He sighed and helped me to stand by pulling my right arm over his shoulder and putting his left arm around my waist, and then started to guide me to the medical ship.

"I can still walk, you know." I said, though I was secretly grateful to have the support even though I wouldn't admit it. But Anakin saw through my attempts to seem tough and smirked at me.

"Yeah, and I can breathe underwater." He jested. I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm but didn't try to argue any further.

I looked to my left, and through my blurry vision saw Grievous being carried by clone troopers into one of the ships, likely being taken back to the Coruscant prison. I heard Anakin growl beside me while protectively tightening his fingers around my side, causing me to blush at the sudden extra pressure he applied there.

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