Chapter 36

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Anakin POV:

Everyone was in an uproar.

The usually peaceful Jedi Temple had metamorphosed into a state of pandemonium. Our beloved training room that has stood proud and tall for centuries is now a victim of absolute destruction.

All the Jedi that were currently in the Temple crowded in and out of the ruined, dusty room. People were talking over each other, asking questions that no one had the answers to. It didn't help that Yoda still hasn't returned from his meditative leave; he's known for keeping peace and order within the Temple. But we don't have him here now, so it's only caused more uncertainty in this already strange conundrum.

Obi-Wan and I managed to push our way to the front of the rabble so we could get a better look at the damage.

I've been on many gruesome missions, and have seen heartbreaking sights beyond compare, but nothing I've witnessed has caused as much pain as I feel right now. Every single Jedi alive today has trained in this room; grown up with it. As Younglings and Padawans, we've cherished countless memories of training in this room and goofing off with our friends.

And now those memories are crushed, forever destroyed, just like this room.

Obi-Wan looked absolutely appalled. Though I couldn't sense what he was thinking, because I myself was also mortified.

Banners that once held symbols of life were ripped and now laid useless on the ground. Cracks, holes, and pits of smoke took up the walls and floor. Every set up, training station, chairs and tables, practice lightsabers; everything was either wrecked or destroyed beyond repair.

I scoffed inaudibly as I continued to gaze my surroundings, "Wow." That was all I could say, no other words felt right or appropriate.

"Who in the world would do this?" Shaak Ti gasped, coming to stand next to me.

I looked over at Obi-Wan nervously, and saw that he was already looking at me with an expression that mirrored my own. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, then turned to face the rest of the Jedi, "We'll figure that out later, but for now I believe we should focus on cleaning what's left of this room."

A unanimous murmur of agreement filled the room as all the Jedi nodded their heads, all while gazing sadly at the brokenness around them.

"I'm afraid that will have to wait as well." A voice interrupted, followed by its owner pushing through the crowd. Windu appeared close to where me and Obi-Wan stood and crossed his arms, "I've received an unexpected call from the Chancellor, asking all the Jedi to the Senate building. Every Republic and Separatist leader will be there; for what reason, we have yet to know. All I was told is that this is urgent." He spoke uncertainly, then waited for the response of the crowd.

I didn't pay attention to what anyone else was saying, because I wondered if this urgent meeting had to do with what happened here at the Temple. Most would argue against that, seeing as many people in politics try to stay out of Jedi business. But the timing seems awfully convenient for this to just be a coincidence. If I'm right, and this does end up involving the Temple, then I don't have a clue as to what the Senate would have to say about it.

"We are requested there as soon as possible, so I suggest we leave now." Windu instructed, pushing through the crowd once more as he told everyone to get to their speeders.

Obi-Wan and I stayed in the back of the mass so that we could talk privately. I tilted my head close to his ear and spoke quietly, "You don't think (y/n)—"

"She did. I know she did." He sighed, cutting me off.

I felt my heart clench at his answer, and how confident he was with it, "But why? Why would she do this? And where did she go?" I just now realized that (y/n) was nowhere to be seen in the swarm of confused Jedi.

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