Chapter 33

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(y/n) POV:

I didn't know how long it was until Obi-Wan and Yoda arrived on Naboo, but they did. Their ship landed in the midst of the chaos that I created, causing further disorder in the crowds. No one knew what was going on, not even me. I was too focused on Anakin, only Anakin. My thoughts were solely on him and his safety, especially as I brushed his beautiful hair out of his eyes while his head laid on my lap. I kept repeating the same phrases: "It's going to be okay", "I've got you", "Please wake up."

When the two familiar Jedi Masters arrived unexpectedly, the rest of the night became a blur.

While Yoda and a few of Anakin's clones carried him to the ship, I saw Obi-Wan put on some gloves before bending down to pick up the bracelet I had previously abandoned. I was confused as to why he wore gloves, and handled the bracelet with such care as if it would blow up at any given moment. But I was too tired and disoriented to ask.

It was when we got Anakin into the medical wing back on Coruscant, that my senses came back to me, and the fuzziness that clouded my mind slowly dissipated.

We were told by the doctors that they noticed contusions in the area of Anakin's occiput. And along with the fact that he was unconscious, they easily came to a conclusion for his diagnosis; craniocerebral trauma.

Although, it's thankfully just a mild brain injury in the occipital lobe. That's the 'visual function' part of the brain, so that means for a while he'll have some trouble analyzing, processing, and recognizing visual stimuli.

So all in all, he's going to be alright.

But it doesn't change the guilt that's fused itself into my heart, clinging onto it like black tar, and pulling me down to drown in a sea of regret. One that was much too deep to swim out of. I did this to him, whether intentionally or not, I'm the reason he's unconscious and hurt.

Just when my guilt from all the other turmoil I've caused disappeared, it's now resurfaced. I'm so tired of feeling this way.

No one was allowed inside of Anakin's medical room yet, so I was waiting in the small lobby just outside. After a while, I noticed someone else enter the lobby to sit down in a chair beside mine. I was startled at first since it was late in the night and I began to doze off in my chair, but then I smiled when I recognized the person, who I haven't seen in a while.

"Rex! It's so good to see you." I greeted to the tired-looking clone next to me.

I don't see Rex as often as someone like Anakin does, since he's is the captain of Anakin's battalion, but every now and then our paths will cross.

"Likewise. Though I wish it were under happier circumstances." He sighed sadly.

I nodded as I was once again reminded of the reality of our situation. Rex and Anakin are close in their friendship, so this must be affecting him greatly.

He then gave me a sympathetic smile, "I know, you know. About you and General Skywalker."

My eyes widened at first, before blinking a few times at his sudden revelation. That's not the direction I expected this conversation to turn. But my surprise faded when I remembered who I was talking to; Anakin tells Rex everything, because he knows Rex is loyal enough to keep secrets like this.

Flustered, I chuckled nervously, "Yeah uh, how much has he told you?" At this point all the Jedi and clones know about the prophecy, and how I'm a chosen one, but I wondered if Anakin has told him about my....experiences, over these last couple of months.

Rex chuckled as he seemed to understand my question, "He tells me everything. So whatever it is that you're thinking, I probably already know."

I nodded and stared past him at nothing in particular, slightly embarrassed by the fact that he knows of all the trouble that's followed my path recently. I trust him, obviously, but it still feels weird that he knows about these kinds of things. I worry that people will think differently of me if they learn of my darkness.

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