Chapter 44

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(y/n) POV:

I braced for impact as my body plummeted into the unknown; which I could only assume would be either falling to my death into a deep, dark abyss, or being crushed by whatever earth lay at the core of Naboo.

Everything happened so fast, and just when the daylight above me was beginning to disappear, I landed harshly in a crouch, my ankles throbbing in pain.

But the respite only lasted for a few seconds, because I then had to dive forward when large rocks and clumps of dirt came tumbling down the large crevice I fell through. I cried in pain when I landed on my side, my elbow softening the blow and receiving a deep, bloody scrape. It wasn't lethal, but it was unfathomably painful, and burned all throughout every inch of my arm.

I shut my eyes tightly so that the dirt and minuscule rocks wouldn't hit them. Faint rumbling could be heard in the distance, beyond whatever barriers surrounded me.

I laid still for many minutes. Despite my enhanced strength that most Jedi possess, I feared that both my ankles may be sprained or broken. It was likely neither, but I didn't want to chance walking on them too soon after that landing. I can't afford to add another problem to the growing list.

I held my wrist out in front of me, and exhaled
in relief to see that my comlink hadn't shattered. My heartbeat began to slow. Maybe we can all easily get out of this. I can call Obi-Wan, and he can come and rescue the rest of us. Or at least give some words of wisdom.

But there's still the question of the well-being of my friends. Even though I had luck with my landing, and not getting crushed by the rocks, I can't say the same for them. That thought didn't help ease my worries at all.

I sighed and used my shaky hands to contact Obi-Wan.

At first there was nothing but static, and fuzzy white noise. I didn't know if that meant he had answered and the signal was bad because of how far underground I was, or if the comlink was damaged.

"....(y/n)? Hello?"

I instantly shot up into a sitting position, "Obi-Wan? Is that you?" I whisper-yelled, careful not to raise my voice to cause another avalanche.

"Yes, what is—" More static interrupted him, and I felt myself growing more impatient with each passing second. The longer we're down here, the longer one of us could be in danger or badly hurt.

"Obi-Wan? I didn't hear you, what did you say?" I asked frantically.

"—Where are you?" He asked in a concerned tone.

I tried to keep my voice from trembling, "I don't know, I-I think I'm underground?" I half-questioned as I glanced upwards, and swept my gaze over every side of me. "Me, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Yoda were out in the field, and suddenly blue lightening hit us from every direction. The ground broke apart as if there was an earthquake, and each of us fell separately into some sort of underground cavern."

Many stalactites hung above my head, and I now noticed just how hollow and extensive my surroundings are. I could faintly see curved draperies and columns as well further ahead. Every mineral structure was a deep carob brown color, which unfortunately made everything more difficult to see.

Obi-Wan sighed on the other end of the comlink, "Yes, I believe certain areas of Naboo have underground caverns that were built long ago. You're lucky to have fallen there instead of the core of the planet."

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