Chapter 24

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TW: Death. Otherwise, carry on💗

(y/n) POV:

Obi-Wan didn't respond to my question and still continued to observe us, looking back and forth between us occasionally. He was taken aback from what he witnessed, most likely, because he usually has something to say about everything. My heart was pounding just as fast as before, but this time I was scared. I was scared that everything we went through would be for nothing. Would Obi-Wan tell the Counil about this?

Anakin cleared his throat from beside me, "No need to fret that hairy little head of yours, Obi-Wan. I was just teaching (y/n) the fine art of espionage." He paused and added on when Obi-Wan's expression stayed the same, "You know, in case we ever need to perform espionage."

I blinked slowly and clenched my jaw, concealing the urge to smack him for using the worst possible excuse. We've already proven to be horrible spies, on many occasions. Besides, even though I appreciate Anakin's efforts but there's no way Obi-Wan is going to believe that. Especially after we've already had so many slip ups.

Obi-Wan squinted his eyes in confusion and studied us carefully. I assumed he was trying to assess the situation and search his brain for the right thing to say.

Finally he inhaled and held his breath for a moment, then released it, while never taking his eyes off of us.

He ignored Anakin's second-class espionage excuse, "Is this what you two do whenever you're alone?" He asked in a fascinatingly casual voice, as if he was more curious rather than upset.

Pretty much actually, now that I think about it.

His question nonplussed me, though. I predicted that he would ask how long we've been doing this, or if we recognized how careless we were being, but there was no hint of vexation in the way he spoke. I also suddenly felt really embarrassed that he walked in on us like that, especially when we thought we were in the clear from being seen.

"Uh....maybe?" I answered, not sure how to respond. There was no point in lying but I didn't want to be blunt about this just yet, especially since we were treading very dangerous waters.

He nodded slowly and began stroking his beard, looking to the side for a moment reflectively. His features gave away no clear emotion which made me feel nauseous from the anticipation. Even though he was more laid back than the other Jedi, I had no idea what he would do with this information of the scene he stumbled upon.

I peered over at Anakin for some reassurance, since I wasn't able to reassure myself. He side-eyed me and sensed my nervousness, and reached down to hold my left hand in his mechanical one. His gentle touch instantly eased my hyperactive nerves and my posture relaxed as well. I knew why he did this gesture. It was his way of telling me that no matter what happens, he wouldn't give up on me. And I felt the same way.

Without considering the significance of my next words, I spoke to him through my mind, calming all of my nerves to open that gateway.

"I love you."

My eyes widened in shock at my own words that I just communicated to him. We had never used the 'L' word to each other, it's not a word that the Jedi use that much since we can't be attached to, or possess anything. I've always loved Anakin as a best friend, and I still do, but recently it's been difficult to tell the difference between loving him and being in love with him. It's crossed my mind a couple times but I didn't want to say anything until I knew for sure if I really was in love with him. And though I haven't verbally said it until now, I realized I was truly in love with him when he comforted me the other day about my vision of the future. Even when he knew about the darkness and peril that we'd have to endure in the future, he still made it his priority to be there for me no matter what. And that's what matters most to me.

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