Chapter 4

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(a/n): Quick reminder, since there's not a whole lot we know about Corellia, I'm gonna make up what I think their government system was like during this specific point in time

Anakin POV: (Bet you weren't expecting that😉)

I flew (y/n) and I all the way through hyperspace, until we reached the outskirts of Corellia. She gazed out of the window at the planet in pure awe and wonder. Eventually the stars faded in the distance, and we were met with the sight of tall buildings and colorful lights that lit up the now dark sky. I looked around as I flew us down in Coronet City, taking in the sight of it all. Next to me, (y/n) got more and more excited as we flew closer to the city.

"Woah.... I don't think I've ever been to this planet before. It reminds me of Coruscant."

I chuckled at her fascination, it was quite adorable.

Wait what? No. I can't think about her like that. I have to stay focused on the mission.

I took a deep breath and tried to clear my mind. (y/n) sensed my uneasiness through our force connection and turned to look at me, her long braid lightly whipping and falling over her shoulder.

"You alright, Ani?" Her (e/c) eyes comforted and made me uneasy at the same time.

I quickly put walls up in my mind, blocking her out from it. "Yeah, I'm just worried about what to expect when we find out who's behind this invasion on the city."

That wasn't the best lie to choose from, since (y/n) knows that I rarely am afraid on missions, and always says that I'm too confident in myself. She stared at me for a few seconds, probably to see if I was being completely honest, but eventually nodded when she didn't find anything. I didn't like not telling her the full truth, but it was better this way. We had to move on from what happened the other night.

Finally landing the ship in an empty field just outside of Coronet City, I turned off the ships engine and unbuckled my seat belt. (y/n) did the same and we both walked to open the ramp, then exited the ship and felt the cool Corellia air on our skin.

The field we landed on was layered with trees that stretched out for miles; it's rustic vibe completely contradicting the civic vibe of Coronet City. How did the people here manage to keep this place in such good shape? Many other planets have become devastated from the ongoing war, but Corellia seems to be doing just fine.

Or at least they were, until the recent invasion. I sighed and opened up my mind to the force, hoping for some sort of guidance on what to do about finding the invaders and gathering information. Obi-Wan said we needed to take precautions, and as much as I hated to admit it, I believe he's right. This is one of those missions where we are left guessing what the Separatists, most likely the Sith, are up to.

After reaching out to the force, I was sure that my suspicions were true. There was a disturbance in the force on this planet, which is likely because of the dark side.

I turned to (y/n), who was looking around at the city that stood before us, it's size intimidating compared to us. But she looked astonished at the width and height of the city. Then she turned to look at all the trees behind us, taking in the sight of each one.

"I've never seen a field this big before, and one that's right next to a city like this. It's so cool."

I smiled at (y/n)'s love for simple things like this. She always knows how to find the good in not so good situations. I continued to stare at her as she looked around with an awestruck smile on her face. Her smile was one of my favorite things about her.

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