Chapter 9

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Anakin POV:

I looked at Obi-Wan and inhaled sharply, knowing that his tone implied that something was definitely wrong. I don't know if he noticed my unusual boost of anxiety, but if he did then then he didn't make it clear in his expression. I swallowed and turned to R2, trying to push down the shake in my voice.

"What happened, buddy?" I asked gently.

He beeped in both excitement and concern, and my eyes widened. "Wait, the building started to collapse? And a Sith Infiltrator ship flew away from it into the city?"

R2 beeped in response and I nodded my head, pushing my blonde curls out of my eyes and then rubbed my temples as I tried to figure out what to do next. Thankfully, we at least knew where (y/n) was and that she wasn't dead because R2 did a sweep of the building residue, not detecting any bodies or life forms. She must have been on that ship which is still bad but it's better than her being dead. That thought made me shiver, and I hoped that it would be years and years before the day of her death came. I would do everything in my power to keep her safe, but now I felt so helpless which I hated.

I froze and stopped rubbing my temples, looking back at R2, "Wait, how did the building collapse? That seems unlikely unless there was some sort of bomb inside."

R2 beeped in confusion, telling me that he didn't see how it happened. I sighed and turned to Obi-Wan, who thoughtfully listed to everything. He nodded in acceptance with my suggestion, "A bomb is the only thing I can think of that would cause a building to completely collapse. But we should check thoroughly in case something else could have caused it."

"I agree, so we need to get there as soon as possible." I put on my robe and hopped into the X Wing that R2 was in earlier. I tried
turning on the ship but the engine kept sputtering and ultimately didn't start.

Obi-Wan ran over to the side of the ship I was on, "Anakin wait!"

I looked down at him him confusion, "What?"

He rolled his eyes and looked up at me, "First of all, we can't just 'get there as soon as possible' without a plan." He said, mocking my previous statement. Then he pointed to the ships engine, "Second, R2 told me that the engine is starting to fail, so we can't take this ship."

I leaned my head back and sighed in frustration. The more time that passed was more time that we don't know what's happening to (y/n). Now I realize how strong my attachment was to her. After I finally got the courage to say how I felt, it was like every emotion we've ever felt towards each other just exploded all at once, making our attachments very tangible. I was vexed with myself that I was so afraid of just admitting my feelings, when I was hardly afraid of anything. But this is all still new to me, so I'm more afraid of the unknown than anything else. And now that I have her, I don't want to lose her.

"Alright, fine." I hopped out of the ship and landed in front of Obi-Wan, "What's the plan?"

He walked passed me and beckoned for me to follow, "So we don't know exactly where (y/n) is, but we know the city which is helpful enough for now." We entered a smaller room and stopped in front of a holo-table, which Obi-Wan turned on to reveal a 3D image of the city. I nodded thoughtfully and remembered our time there together, and how we had to share a bed in the fancy hotel. I almost smiled, but I didn't want Obi-Wan to think I was being strange when we were in the middle of formulating a plan.

He looked at me expectantly, "You're the one that's been there, so where do you think we should start?"

I thought carefully for a moment. We didn't exactly visit every single place, but maybe we could go back to that hotel to find the manager that helped us last time.

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