Chapter 19

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Anakin POV:

I didn't bother staying for the rest of the party and immediately went to the exit after leaving the washroom. There's no way I'm sticking around after that. I hoped it wasn't too obvious, but the way (y/n) embarrassed me in front of that guy affected me more than I'd like to admit. She knew my weak points, and how get all of my attention with barely any effort. It made me irritated that she could easily have that kind of power over me and that I always let her have it. But at the same time, I still want her and I care about her no matter how many times she purposely gets under my skin, so a part of me actually likes when she does it. I like it because it proves she feels the same way as I do, and that thought makes me feel complete in a way, as if her feelings for me are the only thing that matter in the world.

I just feel more and more drawn to her as time passes, and it's almost driving me crazy. And the way I left her in the washroom, covered in my love bites, filled me with blissful satisfaction. Anyone who saw them would get the clear message; that (y/n) was taken. Even if she hid them from the world with scarves or jewelry, she would know it every time she touched them or looked in the mirror, and that thought alone just made me want her more.

Only she can make me feel like this, no one else can.

I fast-walked to the speeder I took to get here and hopped inside. Obi-Wan would be curious as to why I left early so I would have to come up with a good lie on the way home. I sped all the way home, and my heartbeat gradually started to decrease. I took a few deep breaths as I regained my composure, trying to block what just happened out of my mind.

After finally getting back to the temple, I tried to sneak back to my quarters without being noticed by anyone.

I mean, some people saw me in the halls but the main person I'm avoiding is Obi-Wan since he knows the details of the party and how I shouldn't be back for another 5 hours. I probably would've come home early anyways though, if this party usually lasts that long.

I put my hood over my head as I headed straight for my room, getting closer and closer still without being seen. I sped up my pace and brought my hand up to my door, feeling relieved that I made it unnoticed.


I stopped before my hand could go any further and froze. I closed my eyes and sucked in my teeth, bringing my hand back down. Then I put on my best fake smile and turned around.

"Obi-Wan," I gave him a quick nod, "fancy meeting you here." I joked, trying to lighten the mood as much as possible.

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "I live here, Anakin." He said, not going along with the joke.

I shook my head and chuckled, "What can I do for you?" I tried sounding normal, but my heartbeat kept increasing its speed.

He crossed his arms and still had his brows furrowed, "Aren't you not supposed to be back here for another 5 hours or so?" He questioned.

I still kept my casual posture and expression, "There is a very good reason as to why I'm back now." I said while holding a finger up.

I paused because I was still thinking of a good excuse. Obi-Wan tapped his foot impatiently, and I felt like a kid who was being scolded for being home too early, which is really ironic.

"The party had gotten so.....dull, that the hosts decided to end it early." I maintained eye contact with him the whole time I spoke, hoping he'd believe me. I almost laughed, because the party was the exact opposite of dull before I left.

By the look in his eyes I could tell that he didn't believe me, though. He sighed and stepped towards me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Look Anakin, I know you've had a lot to think about this week and that it's placed a large weight on your shoulders, but spending time outside of the Temple is supposed to help relieve your stress so that you don't have to worry about it too much."

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