Chapter 21

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TW: Suicide. Otherwise, carry on :)

(y/n) POV:

I jogged down the halls of the Temple, making my way to the training room where I'm supposed to meet Yoda. Even though we're not allowed to run in the halls, I was already late so I didn't care if I got scolded by a senior Jedi. I was nervous for what was going to happen this time or what we would do, because last time was pretty still traumatic to think about. I didn't tell anyone, even Anakin, about the pain I went through during that vision of the past when I was at the training room last time. I don't think Yoda told anyone either because it's honestly not something everyone needs to know about. At least not yet.

I walked inside and like last time, the room was empty aside from Yoda meditating in the center of the room with his back turned to me.

"Good morning." I called to him.

He didn't respond until I walked around and stood in front him.

"Late, you are." He said without opening his eyes.

My cheeks became hot and I laughed awkwardly, "I'm sorry I uh, I got held up."

That much was true. Not for the reasons he's probably assuming, but he doesn't need to know that.

He opened his eyes and shook his head amusedly. I felt myself relax and was happy that he wasn't too upset about it. Since Yoda was my Master when I was a Padawan, he always had a softer spot for me compared to the other Jedi and usually didn't get too strict with me.

His expression became serious again, "Similar, yet different, today will be. Looked into the past you did, last time. Now, look into the future, you will."

My eyes widened and I blinked a couple times, as if that would make his words clearer. That's not what I was expecting.

"How would we do that?" I questioned. "I thought visions couldn't be forced."

He nodded and pointed his cane at me, "True, that is. But, have fears, I know you do. To see a glimpse of the possible future, confront your fears, you must."

I slowly nodded as I carefully took in his words. I guess that makes sense, but I didn't know what my fears had to do with this. What was I afraid of, for that matter? I thought about it though, and realized how stressed I was about turning to the dark side even if it was unintentional. It already happened once and that was bad enough, so my current fears are that I won't be able to keep it together in the future, which is probably what we're going to see in a moment.

I took a shaky breath and sat down cross-legged in front of Yoda, "Okay. This should be fine." I tried convincing myself that, but it didn't sweep away the building anxiety in my chest.

"Fine, you will be." He said confidently and leisurely walked behind me like last time, pressing his hands onto my temples.

"Will it hurt like last time?" I asked, not bothering to hide the fear in my tone.

He hummed in response, "Handle it, you can."

I sighed and rolled my eyes, knowing that that was his way of saying yes. I closed my eyes and braced myself for whatever was about to happen, "Okay."

After a few seconds, he pressed harder against my temples and then my vision was immediately clouded with the same blinding light from last time, causing a spasm of pain to spark through my head. I opened my eyes and found myself not in the training room, but on the roof of the Jedi Temple. I staggered backwards at the dramatic scene change and tried to recover from the sudden ache in my head.

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