Chapter 35

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(y/n) POV:

I stared in shock at my boyfriend, who I had no idea was awake. This must've been why Obi-Wan left the training room unexpectedly, Anakin probably just woke up. And the fact that he's here, means that he just witnessed me losing my temper at Obi-Wan.

He wore a white wrap around his head, probably from whatever the doctors had to do over this last week. I was instantly taken back to that night on Naboo; the memory of him lying unconscious on the ground still haunts me.

There were two reasons why I could form any words; one, I was completely caught off guard by the fact that he's actually awake. And two, he does not look happy.

"A-Anakin. You're awake." I stammered. That was all I could say in this tense moment.

"So it seems." He responded dully and slowly crossed his arms over his chest, making his stature seem more intimidating.

He's definitely not happy, I can see in his eyes that he's pissed about something. But I don't know what. Confused, I darted my eyes over to Obi-Wan for any sort of explanation.

Obi-Wan sighed tiredly, "I told him. Just now."

His words instantly clicked as I thought about them; Anakin knows what I'm doing, what I've been training for this whole week. I suppose it's not a huge deal, but his current reaction is the very reason the Council told me to keep it from him.

I scoffed in disbelief; this day could not get anymore inconvenient, "It wasn't your place to tell him." I rebuked.

Anakin cut in before Obi-Wan could, "Actually, if my girlfriend is putting herself in danger, then it is his place to tell me. My question is why didn't he do it sooner." He looked from me to Obi-Wan disapprovingly.

Obi-Wan looked between both of us as we spoke, and then scoffed, narrowing his eyes, "Oh? So now this is my fault? Both of you are utterly unbelievable." He began to walk away, his posture radiating great disdain. "I'm done playing the servant in these ridiculous charades you both have dragged me into."

I didn't see Anakin's reaction, because I myself was completely shocked by his outburst. Did we push him to his limit? He said 'you both', so I have no clue what his issue with Anakin is, but I had no idea he felt this way, like we were using him.

"Obi-Wan." I called after him. He stopped moving, but didn't turn around.

I knew he was hurt right now, but I was too. "But....But you were there for me this week. You stayed by my side when no one else did." I probably sounded like a child by the way my voice cracked with pain.

He turned his head so that it was sideways, and I could only see half of his face. But he wasn't looking at me. "Yes....and now it seems I must be there for myself. Something I haven't done in quite a while." With that last element of bitterness in his tone, he turned back once more and left.

I didn't even have time to process what just happened, because Anakin's voice distracted me, "You know what's so bad about this whole situation, that it's actually comical?" I looked back over at him, reluctantly waiting for him to answer his own question.

His anger made him seem larger as he got closer to me, "You've lectured me more than once about being honest, about not keeping anything from each other. And yet, it was your secret that got all of us into this mess." He seethed.

My anger from earlier had long vanished, and was replaced with vulnerability and dejection. I didn't have the heart to fight back right now. I sighed, "I didn't have a choice, Anakin. The Council instructed me to not tell you because they believed you would try to stop me."

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