9. Secrets

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Pairing: Finn/Elijah (M/M) hand, wooden spoon

Chapter Text

"Before, I loved thee as a brother, John, But now, I do respect thee as my soul."

-William Shakespeare

Monday, June 11, 1855

Late Afternoon

Guest House Property

Kol wanted to see this blue roan horse of Damon's again. He walked out to the stables where he saw the slender, dark-haired boy grooming the horse. Maybe a part of him wanted to check in on Damon a little? There was something about the boy that he felt for, especially since he had saved him from that bullet. Kol always tried to avoid thinking of the moment his own father ran him through with a sword to end his human life. There was pain, darkness, and then a terrible thirst that dulled, but never completely went away.

"Good afternoon, Kol. Fine day!" Damon called out politely as he set the brush on a bucket and turned to the older vampire happily.

"How is Azul today? Did you ride?" Damon answered as he yanked a white cloth from his breeches and wiped off his hands.

"Yes, she is quite well, thank you. Once again, I appreciate you all getting her. Since Father is...away. I do not know what would have happened to her," Damon said patting his horse's black mane.

Kol patted the horse's flank and she nickered. He slipped her a bit of apple he had cut for her from his pocket. Kol's Original vampire eye's stared into the blue-black coat of the horse, he felt like they could see colors and textures that humans could not began to imagine. This horse was a rare beast indeed.

"How are you getting along, mate?" Kol asked casually. He gave the horse another apple slice and she nickered softly.

"She likes that. Ah, you mean...with being a witch? Finding out my mother is dead? That our father has been truly filled with demons? Fine, I suppose," Damon said with a touch of sarcasm.

"Damon, you do not have to do that. We all know that you are suffering. You need not act like you are fine. And your father, he is not filled with demons. Perhaps it was all too much for him, losing his wife and his children," Kol reasoned.

"Perhaps. I act like I am fine because I am grateful to be here. Stefan is safe. He is happy. Miss Rebekah and the rest of you take fine care of him. Although, she is spoiling him quite badly, you know?" Damon smiled.

"I know. Stefan is a jolly, little fellow. But I think my sister remembers how we felt after our own mother passed on. For a child, it seems so cruel. I know Rebekah aims to pacify the boy with sweets and toys and endless hours of play. And you need not be grateful. You are a Mikaelson now. No one will cast you out for being sullen or difficult. If that was the case, I would have been given the boot centuries ago," Kol said feeding Azul the last of the apple.

"Centuries?" Damon gulped. "I knew you were immortals, but how old are you?"

Kol wiped his hands on his trousers, "We were turned in, say, 1001 AD. I was about 17 years old."

"But that would make you....?" Damon stammered doing the math.

"Old, lad. No need to say it," Kol smirked. Kol heard yelling in the distance.

"Stefan?" Damon called as he began to run towards the sound. Kol called to the stable boy so the horse didn't run off and followed Damon.

They found Stefan fallen under a large oak tree. Damon got to him first.

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