Chapter ~22

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Mackenzie's p.o.v.

I decide to stay back at the hotel alone because I think I ate too much good at the buffet and now my stomach hurts and I feel nauseous.

After throwing up a few times I felt better, so I decided to play the guitar in the storage room that I found earlier today when I was looking for some paper towel.

I sat down on the bed and starting moving my fingers through the strings of the guitar when someone came in my hotel room, who could that be . it was Shawn of course. I asked why he was here and he said because he heard the sound of a guitar coming from this room so he had to come and check it out.

Shawn also said I was really good at the guitar, I said thank you I also sing a little too while playing. Lots of people think im good but I don't really think so.

Shawn's p.o.v.

That's really attractive knowing that Mackenzie can play the guitar and sing, wow shes the perfect package, meaning by she has a great body, she's funny, shes beautiful and can sing and play guitar that's the perfect package for me anyways.

I ask If I can hear her sing and I'll play the guitar, she hesitated at first but then agreed on one condition, it was that I can't make fun of her if she messes up.

I said I won't and even If you do it's okay because I'm a famous singer and even I still mess up and make mistakes. Mackenzie starts to sing one of my songs
May the angels protect you and trouble neglect you, and heaven except you when its time to go home, so when hard times have found you and your fear surround you, wrap my love around you, you'll never be alone.

Holy shit that was amazing Mackenzie, you have to go on stage and sing with me sometime, Mackenzie laughed and said really, yes really ,you have an Angels voice. Mackenzie blushed and looked really cute, her lips also look very lonely, so I decided to give them company, I pressed my lips against Mackenzies, until she pulled away shocked at what I just did. Mackenzie then ran and threw up. I ran out of the hotel room while saying am i really that nasty.

Mackenzie's p.o.v.

When I hit the washroom I threw up lots,I herd a voice mumble something but I couldn't make out what it said, because of me throwing up.

I walked back out to see shawn gone, maybe he left because I threw up and he thought it was nasty, I have no clue but owell. Hayes should already be back, I went to check in the jacks room but no one was in there so I just decided to go back to the hotel and layed down to get some rest because I feel tired so I might as well just take a nap since I don't know where anyone is, and also I haven't got lots of sleep lately.

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