-Twenty One-

776 33 12

TW: Screaming, angst

I lead Wilbur to the library, whispering silently to Dream that I wanted him and Sap to wait outside in case anything happened. Dream and Sapnap had been more than happy, giving me reassuring smiles. 

Wilbur stood in front of me as I turned from the closed door. 

I took a deep breath, turning around. 

"Prince Wilbur..." I trailed off. Wilbur looked at me with a confused expression. I let out a frustrated sigh. 

"Is something wrong?" Wilbur asked worriedly. 

"I suppose it would be easier to show you than to tell you" I breathed out. I very slowly pulled the hood back, fixating my gaze on the floor. 

I heard a sharp intake of air from Wilbur. I didn't dare lift my gaze. 

I took off my mask, nervously waiting for Wilbur's reaction.

"Freya?" Wilbur whispered in disbelief. I hesitantly met his wide eyes. 

"Hello, Wilbur" I replied quietly. Wilbur stared at me, jaw unhinged. 

That was how it was for a few minutes, They dragged on, feeling more like hours. 

Finally, Wilbur spoke. 

"Is it really you?" he asked, swallowing. I nodded. "Ady," he whispered, his voice barely audible. It felt unreal for the nickname to be spoken aloud again. I closed my eyes, expecting screaming or insults. 

Instead, I felt pair of arms envelope me tightly. I tensed, opening my eyes. 

"Wilbur?" I asked, confused. Wilbur's body trembled as he clutched me tightly. 

"Gods Ady, I missed you so fucking much" Wilbur breathed out. "I had not the faintest idea where you had disappeared to," he said. 

"I'm so sorry Wilbur," I replied, closing my eyes and resting my chin on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry" I whispered. 

Wilbur held me tightly, I felt tears prick my eyes as he clung to me. 

Suddenly, the door burst open. I scrambled away from Wilbur, turning towards the loud noise. 

I heard Sapnap yelling at George to stop, but he wasn't having any of it. I frowned, startled and confused. 

What was going on?

George was at my side in a blink of an eye. He was glaring at Wilbur.

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?" he snapped. 

"George-" Sapnap tried again. George shot him a look. 

"George, what are you going on about?" I asked, frowning.

"George, Lycoris asked to speak to the Prince, she's not in any danger" Sapnap managed, cutting off whatever George was about to say. George looked taken aback.

"Is this true?" George asked, whirling to face me. I gave him a nod. He looked at me for a second, and then looked at WIlbur. 

The poor prince was staring wide-eyed at George. 

George looked relieved for a split second before pulling me into a tight embrace. 

"I'm sorry Ly, for ignoring you and accusing you" he whispered, so quietly I knew only I could hear him. 

"Oh George, I know you hadn't meant it," I mumbled back. "I was never angry with you, and I wasn't in any danger a moment ago, I chose to speak to Wilbur" I reassured. 

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