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TW: blood, cuts, panic, nightmare and screaming

The voices are bold and italic (I edited it a little so George has glasses)

When Puffy and I got back, Sapnap gave me a small smile. I squeezed his hand in greeting. 

"What's going on?" I muttered under my breath. He shrugged. 

"Nothing really, Dream and Prince Wilbur have been talking for quite some time now" he replies, jerking his head towards the two. Dream still had his mask on, but he had a smile on his face and if I hadn't known better, he would've looked relaxed. I did know better though, his back was straight and he looked tense. 

Callahan was talking with Bad, scribbling quickly and rather aggressively on the page. George was frowning at something a guard was telling him. His glasses were resting on the bridge of his nose. 

I sank into an armchair as I watched Dream and Wilbur talk. Wilbur was calm, but sensed the nervousness in his voice, even after having not heard it in years, I'd always recognize his voice.

Puffy sat next to me, watching the two of them carefully. 


I shot up, starling Puffy but nobody else seemed to notice. 

What? I thought to myself. Were they back?


Ranboo is here

Puffy put a hand on my shoulder. 

"Lycoris, what is it?" she demanded, her voice quiet. I swallowed bile rising and forced myself to reply. 

"It's Ranboo" I answered, my voice barely rising over a whisper. Puffy's expression changed, her eyes widened and her mouth was slightly agape. 

"Where?" she asked. I shook my head. 

"They wouldn't tell me, they just said that he's here, that Ranboo is here" I breathed, frowning. 

"Are they talking to you?" Puffy asked, surprised. I shrugged.

"They were," I stated. 


He's here


Open door

My frown deepened. 

"They are telling me to open the door" I informed the white-haired woman. Puffy nodded, gesturing for me to do so. I gave her a doubtful look and then inclined my head at Dream.  

Puffy waved my concern off.

"Go on darling, the voices reached out to you again, it must be important" she reassured me. I exhaled, before nodding. 

I pushed myself off of the armchair and headed silently to the door. I glanced back at Puffy, she gives me an encouraging nod. 

I grip the door handle and push the door open quietly. 

I slip outside and nearly scream at the sight. 

"Boo" I whispered, rushing over to the boy. Ranboo was laid out on the floor, dried blood matted in his hair, and red, as well as white scars, were patent around his face. I kneeled beside him, checking his pulse. 

I held back a sob and gathered myself together and went back inside. 

I rushed over to Puffy. Wordlessly, I gripped her arm and practically dragged her outside. 

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