-Twenty Eight-

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TW: Manipulation, angst, implied self harm thoughts 

"Ranboo, what on earth are you talking about?" I demanded. I was very confused.

Ranboo looked at me, then glanced at Puffy. His fingers twitched, he looked panicked. I put my hand gently on top of his. He seemed to ease into the touch, settling down a little. He eventually put his head on my shoulder, his forehead leaning right beside the crook of my neck. 

I put on hand into his hair, ruffling it and holding him tightly. 

"Everything is okay, I promise you" I whispered. He sighed, I could feel his warm exhale on my neck. The world seemed to shift as I realized how much Ranboo might have gone through while he was in his comatose state. "You're safe Boo," I promised, resting my chin on his head. He buried himself into my side, wrapping his long arms around me. I spared a glance at Puffy, telling her silently that she could leave. 

Puffy thankfully seemed to get the message and quietly slipped out. 

I hushed Ranboo gently, stroking his duel-colored hair and rubbing his back. 

I held him for a long time, eventually, he fell asleep on the med with his head in my lap. I was holding his hand, leaning my head against the wall. 

There was a small noise from behind so I turned my head. It was Niki. She gave me a wide eyes smile, glancing at Ranboo. 

"Is he awake?" she asked, her voice barely rising over a whisper. I nodded. 

"He was emotionally drained and fell asleep not too long ago," I replied in the same hushed voice. Niki nodded sadly. She sat down on the edge of another bed, facing me but looking at Ranboo. 

"Did he say anything when he woke up?" she asked. I shrugged. 

"He was giving me cryptic warnings and telling me that C- Dream was dangerous," I told her, trying to ignore my slip up. Niki hadn't seemed to notice besides the quick smile she gave me. I narrowed my eyes, even though she couldn't see past the cloak. 

"What are you smiling about?" I asked quietly. She shrugged back. 

"Is there something going on between the king..." she trailed off. I frowned. 

"And I?" I finished. She nodded slowly. "No, Dream and I are childhood friends, we've grown very protective over one another, but there is nothing besides brotherly love that I feel towards him," I told her. I refused to think otherwise. 

Niki nodded.

"So is there anyone else?" she asked, eyes lighting up with humor. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. 

Niki seemed ready to repliy when a knock stopped her. I turned, being mindful of Ranboo's sleeping form. 

The door opened, surprisingly revealing Technoblade. Niki stared at him, biting her lip. 

I just waited. 

"Hello Niki," Technoblade greeted. Niki curtsied, getting up from the bed she was sitting on. 

"Prince Technoblade," she greeted back. 

"Is there something we can help you with?" I asked. Techno looked at me, his eyes were covered, but I somehow knew they were staring at my own. 

"Could I please have a word with you?" he asked me. My finger itched to a weapon I had on me. Technoblade shook his head quickly. "I mean no harm, I just want to talk," he promised. I slowly set my hand back down. 

I sighed. 

"Niki, could you please give us a minute?" I asked the pink-haired girl. She nodded, giving me a brief squeeze on the shoulder before exiting the room wordlessly. 

Techno walked towards me, leaning against a pillar so he could face me. 

"Could you please take your mask and cloak off?" Techno asked hesitantly. I swallowed. What was he doing?

I reluctantly lowered my cloak and took off the mask. Techno seemed to flinch back. 

"What's wrong?" I questioned. 

"You don't have your voices anymore?" he asked, ignoring my question. He lowered the mask that hid his face, his blood-red eyes questioning me. 

"They disappeared," I told him. Techno looked at me, a flicker of irritation flashed in his expression. "I'm serious, the king made them go away, I have not the slightest idea how he did it," I told him. 

"Do you think he could do the same for me?" Techno asked. I faltered. He seemed to be asking me out of desperation. 

"Techno," I whispered sadly. "Are they hurting you again?" I asked, genuinely concerned. Techno nodded once. His expression was pained. 

"I took the potion," Techno told me quietly. My eyes widened and I couldn't hide the horror on my face. 

"Oh Techno," I breathed out, my voice nearly breaking. "I'm so sorry," I whispered. Techno's eyes looked at Ranboo, and then back at me. 

He shook his head once. 

"I should have listened to you, heeded your warning, and not have taken the potion," he countered. "It hurt like hell, I couldn't sleep for days," he told me. "They were screaming, some for my family, some for blood.... and some for you," he said, the last part came out barely audible. "I think... I think that the voices missed you, you were the one person that felt what I felt, the one person who could help me and know what to do, the one person who has had it worse than I have with them" Techno explained. 

"I'm sorry, nobody should ever have to go through the pain, these voices have been the bane of my existence, I have wanted to claw my eyes out and scream until I could shout no more' I replied gently. "Did you know, when Ranboo and the king were little, they would often have to scream at me, make me feel pain, unbearable pain when I could not tune out the voices?" I asked, knowing full well he had no idea. 

"That's horrible" Techno stated. "I'm sorry you had to feel so much pain at such a young age," he added. 

"Techno, I swear to you, I will find out how to help you, I cannot allow you to go through any more pain from them," I declared. Techno looked at me, his eyes shining with gratefulness and immense pain. I slowly laid Ranboo's head on a cushion. 

I walked over to where he stood. 

I cautiously embraced him. At first, he tensed, but then he practically sagged into the touch. 

"Thank you," he whispered. I nodded. I would help Techoblade, I needed to. 

I pulled back, looking at him. 

"Be careful Techno, there is something going on in this castle and I think they are targeting the people with unwelcome thoughts in their heads" I informed him. He frowned but nodded. 

He put his mask on, I put my cloak and mask on as well. 

"I'll see you soon Technoblade," I stated. He nodded, waving goodbye. 

A/N- This is Chapter 28! I am trying to kind of speed it up a little, so I hope you enjoyed the Techno X Freya moment:) Please be careful and know that you are valid and amazing, please do not force yourself to read this if it affects you <3

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