-Twenty Two-

719 34 15

TW: manipulation, anger


I narrowed my eyes, moving from Wilbur's side to Dream's. 

Wilbur's gaze bore into his older brothers, unflinching but surprised.

"What is going on?" I asked under my breath. 

"Technoblade was requesting an audience, he found out Wilbur was here" Dream answered without looking in my direction. I raised a brow. 

"How did he find out, nobody knows?" I asked. Dream shrugged. 

"Somebody could have seen Wilbur, he isn't exactly stealthy" Dream muttered. He sounded bitter, angry almost. 

What was his problem?

"Wilbur, what on earth are you doing here?" Techno demanded. Wilbur bit his bottom lip nervously. 

He stayed silent. 

Technoblade had his mask on, but I could see how his demeanor changed. His back straightened out and he crossed his arms.

"Wilbur, answer me" he demands calmly, drawing himself up. Wilbur glances to the side and reluctantly meet's his older brother's piercing gaze. 

Nervousness clung to me, waving around my every thought and pushing all of my fear up. 

He was going to tell Techno about me. 

"I found word of Ranboo's condition and went to search for him," Wilbur answers. I feel my heart drop. 

He hadn't told Techno. 

I felt myself smile in the tiniest bit. Techno stares at his brother. 

"You left without a word, that's unlike you" Techno stated. Wilbur shrugged.

"I was in a bit of a hurry" he countered. "I did manage to save Ranboo, he's resting as we speak" he added. 

He frowned after a moment. "Techno?" he asked. Technoblade nodded. "What are you doing here?" he questioned. 

Dream stiffened from beside me, watching the older prince's every move. 

"I'm here on business Wilbur, nothing of your concern" Techno replied flatly. 

I could feel the tension in the room, so palpable and hostile. 

The two brothers would not survive together if they stayed here at the same time. Dream cleared his throat. 

Wilbur's eyes met mine and I quickly looked away. 

Wilbur could betray us at any given time. Dream knew what he was doing. 

Technoblade looked at Dream. 

"Gentleman, please settle yourselves" Dream began, no real emotion heard in his voice. "Prince Wilbur, I am beyond grateful you managed to help us get Ranboo back, but as your brother suggests, there is some confidential business that we have to attend to" he explains.

 "I have a room ready for you if you would like to use it, you are more than welcome too. If not, I will have a carriage and a group of guards ready to escort you back to your kingdom" Dream offers. The language he uses is formal, I do detect a hidden threat under the message though.

Wilbur looks conflicted, but he manages to hide it well. I knew it would be safer for him to return, he did not belong here and this was enemy territory. I knew deep down that Wilbur would most likely choose to stay here, he always had trouble pushing aside his emotions and choosing rationally. 

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